
On Oct 25, 2010, at 7:24 PM, Erich Christian wrote:
> So go ahead and set it up properly - I'm going to provide a user account
> on my webserver for this purpose but I'd really prefer to see a couple
> of reliable people administering this webspace and the demo - for I am
> not going to do it myself.

Please send me credentials offlist, and I'll attempt to do so. The unknown is 
whether I can find the time, but I can certainly give it a try.

> Are you willing to do it?
> You will have ssl, ftp access (no ssh) and mysql databases, the webspace
> interface is the quite common Direct Admin cp.
> The server is running on suhosin (supersecure) and no 777 is allowed.
> Installing and running Drupal is no problem, I did it on another account
> to check if the requirements were met - but I do not have the leisure
> time to learn it from scratch...

Sometime, I'll be happy to walk you through the process!


Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)

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