Am 13.08.2016 um 16:31 schrieb Cor Nouws:
> Hi Andreas,
> Andreas Mantke wrote on 13-08-16 11:10:
>> I think that I already provided this information many times: no.
>> But in my opinion we need a frequent cleanup of the new website. Maybe
>> all extensions that aren't tested with the latest four main releases
>> should be hidden or (much better) removed from the site.
> I'm not sure if that is needed. Speeking for myself: more then enough to
> do and there is no harm if the extension is there without explicit

the same here.

> testing on newer versions.

If they are not tested on newer LibreOffice versions the user is:
a) will be left on his own (no support from the extension developer and
the project)
b) will never find the extension, if he search for extensions that are
compatible with one of the current LibreOffice versions.

> A single action/button "update release for new LibreOffice version"
> would make it easier to do however.
Sorry if that sounds a bit harsch:
the code of the current environment and also the one of the upcomming is
open source under the GPL.
The code of the used add-ons is hosted on and public.

Kind regards,

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