
to give you a status update on where we stand:

We have considered various options wrt. the extensions and templates website. Maintenance can mostly only be done by Andreas right now, and there were several issues that need fixing behind the scenes and in the frontend.

Options to solve this have been either completely redoing that particular website in a different CMS (which bears the callenge of transferring all data and users) or improving the Plone instance (which requires the new sysadmin we're currently seeking to get trained if needed).

Andreas has been working on improving the website, and we have been in close touch with a Plone developer, who will address the shortcomings, including cryptical error messages and manual account creation. I talked to him myself to show the critical issues from my POV, including sharing the knowledge how to maintain the instance, as getting this addressed is critical to me for moving forward with Plone.

The offer looked very competitive and covered the things required from both Andreas' and my POV, and we're basically waiting for the contract to sign.

My hope is that we once and for all address all the issues with the website in terms of technology and maintenance. Design-work, however, was *not* included if I am not mistaken.

Andreas, when did you poke him the last time? I really would like to get the contract signed so we can proceed. Can you maybe shoot him another e-mail? Otherwise I try to ring him up directly.


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