Hi folks,

I did some test-runs with the new build.zip (R_1737)

and got some strange Errors. ;-)
All Tests where running fine with the Canoo Webtest: R_1724.

What can I do to examine the cause of these failures?

First case:


JavaScript error loading page https://test-server/ags/ofbiz/projection/control/EditSalesActionsServiceQuantAssessed?_SEARCH_PERFORMED_=true&filterProjectionDatasetId=60862&selectedProjectionUnitId=128367: TypeError: Cannot find function moveEnd in object [object]. (WebTestParallelInit.groovy#57)

Second case:


JavaScript error loading page https://test-server/ags/ofbiz/article/control/CommonFindArticles: ReferenceError: "observer" is not defined. (JavaScriptBackgroundJob#1)


thanks to your great work

Michael Habbert

funny thing:

<setSelectField description="do something -- else." name="filterImpulseDispatchTypeId" value=""/>

is no longer working for:

<select class="fixedWidth150" name="filterImpulseDispatchTypeId" 
id="filterImpulseDispatchTypeId" size="1">
<option value="">&nbsp;</option>
<option value="5">Dynamischer Versand</option>
<option value="8">Punktversand</option>

Was working with R_1724

Michael Habbert Key-Work Consulting GmbH | Kriegsstr. 100 | 76133 Karlsruhe | Germany | www.key-work.de
Fon: +49-721-78203-269 | E-Mail: michael.habb...@key-work.de | Fax: 

Key-Work Consulting GmbH Karlsruhe, HRB 108695, HRG Mannheim
Geschäftsführer: Andreas Stappert, Tobin Wotring
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