Hi Marc,

Report about the JS-Code Errors:

JavaScript error loading page https://webgate-dev/ags/ofbiz/projection/control/EditSalesActionsServiceQuantAssessed?_SEARCH_PERFORMED_=true&filterProjectionDatasetId=60862&selectedProjectionUnitId=128367: TypeError: Cannot find function moveEnd in object [object]. (WebTestParallelInit.groovy#57)

so moveEnd and probably also moveStart are unknow-functions for HtmlUnit, right?

if (elem.createTextRange) {
      var r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate()
      r.moveEnd('character', elem.value.length)
      if (r.text == ''){
          pStart = elem.value.length;
          pStart = elem.value.lastIndexOf(r.text)
} else pStart = elem.selectionStart; if (elem.createTextRange) {
      var r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate()
       r.moveStart('character', -elem.value.length)
       pEnd = r.text.length
   } else pEnd = elem.selectionEnd;

Michael Habbert schrieb:
Hi Marc,

thanks for the quick reply.

Marc Guillemot schrieb:
Hallo Michael,

this is related to:

the 2 javascript errors were ignored when they occurred in HtmlUnit's
background threads (ie setTimeout, setInterval or asynchronous XHR) and
now they are captured as well.

I guess that your JS code in correct in which case it is due to missing
methods in HtmlUnit JS support for IE. Can you provide more information
to allow to fix it?
I am right that:
is my friend for more output in the JS-matter?

Michael Habbert Key-Work Consulting GmbH | Kriegsstr. 100 | 76133 Karlsruhe | Germany | www.key-work.de
Fon: +49-721-78203-269 | E-Mail: michael.habb...@key-work.de | Fax: 

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