At 07:39 PM 10/17/2001 -0600, Jack Moffitt wrote:
>Has anyone put any brainpower towards this already that I can jump in
>on?  Chuck mentioned he had some ideas... what are they? :)

I did? Er, I use MK for just about everything.

Something interesting that one of the MK users brought up is that you could 
use MK sans "obj ref" and "list" types and provide the relationships 
yourself. I suppose that could mean writing custom methods for each class 
or even pushing them up the hierarchy into something generic.

The point is that your foreign/relational keys in your database are 
probably ints or strings. MK won't mind reading those as long as you type 
them appropriately in the object model. Of course, then you want to be able 
to use them in a higher level fashion which is where your own custom code 
would come in, either on a case by case basis, or generalized into some 
mix-in or base class.


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