Jack Moffitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MiddleKit seems to be very easy when you don't to worry about the
> database details.  But when you have a storage system already in place
> and need the middle objects, it doesn't really help.

Do you have to access that storage from different programs?  If not
then you could just transfer the information to the new (slightly
different) database structure.

Still, I've been reluctant to use MK myself because of this problem
too.  In part because the data (at least sometimes) is more valuable
than the program.  But the other part is I like the concept of a
database as a means of abstraction and communication.  

Not only doesn't MK deal well with legacy databases, I don't think it
would deal well at all with non-MK clients accessing and updating the
database.  At least that is my impression, as MK does a lot of

The database does caching itself, and personally I'd rather keep the
caching flat -- caching at the Python level saves some communication
overhead, and also caches what calculations occur to create the Python
object (which should really be small anyway)... but if you are
allowing multiple clients then that's going to kill any benefit of
caching.  I'd be curious just how much faster caching makes the
database access in the current case.

So, if MK is the moderator through which all requests have been made,
is it as good a moderator as the database itself?  It uses Python,
which is nice, but maybe also not nice (if you ever have to use
anything else).  I'm not sure how well it would deal with all the
potential data integrity problems -- these have taken databases a long
time to resolve, and I think the entire work would have to be
duplicated in MK to manage that integrity.

Anyway, that's where I am myself.  There's other similar things to MK,
but most of them are lame dictionary interfaces (which capture the
easy 90% of the problem, but just make the other 10% of SQL queries
more awkward).  I've looked at PyDO a little myself (it's part of
SkunkWeb), but haven't come to any opinion.  The author talks about
some of these issues more or less in the intro to PyDO.

In the end, I don't think the decision has to be made too firmly, if
the *interface* of the objects you create is a good one -- be it with
MK, PyDO, ad hoc, whatever.  Then you could hopefully transfer it to
something else.

I've been thinking about how to shoehorn other document styles into
Cheetah, and I realized that's dumb -- Cheetah doesn't have to support
everything, but Cheetah exposes a certain interface and the interface
I create for other documents should just match that.  The same thing
might make sense for legacy databases and MK.  You don't have to use
MK, you can just make something that looks like MK.  Maybe there's
also portions of MK that you can still use, just not the package as a

I've had the idea of my own wrapper in my head myself for a while --
but then I've had lots of ideas in my head, and that doesn't
necessarily mean much.  It's a hard problem.


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