Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyway, that's where I am myself.  There's other similar things to MK,
> but most of them are lame dictionary interfaces (which capture the
> easy 90% of the problem, but just make the other 10% of SQL queries
> more awkward).  I've looked at PyDO a little myself (it's part of
> SkunkWeb), but haven't come to any opinion.  The author talks about
> some of these issues more or less in the intro to PyDO.

I should ammend that and say that I don't actually think every
dictionary access wrapper is "lame"... they deal well with a certain
class of problems, usually where a database is treated like a fancy
flat-file data store.  A lot of problems only call for such a data

But I have yet to see the system that lets you express a left join in
any reasonable way.  Honestly, I'm not even sure what it would mean to
do a left join in MK or a similar product -- they rely on doing the
queries mostly in Python, in an imperative fashion as opposed to SQL's
declarative fashion.  But I think SQL exists for a reason, and I just
wish there was a way to mirror that functionality in Python.  I want
macros like in Lisp.

I'm thinking of decompiling compiled Python functions into SQL :) In a
way that's what SQLBuilder does -- but that's only a peripheral part
of what I'm thinking of (and, I would expect, it's usable in MK or
anything else that allows arbitrary clauses).


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