On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 10:04 -0500, Winston Wolff wrote:
> So to accomplish this we need:
> Documentation describing the need to discuss a test on the webware-devel
> list, and describing how to add a test, run the tests, etc.

> alltests.py in each kit - We need a standard module that contains all
> the automated tests for that component.  I have always called it
> alltests.py.  It has a suite() function that returns the suite of
> unittest.TestCases for that component. 

Hi Winston,

You may want to take a look at the stuff in WebKit/Tests which I checked
in last week.  It's a framework to run tests using the built-in HTTP
server, but would work with cgi and mod_webkit, too, if the user has
configured their webserver for that (the nice thing about the built-in
HTTP server is that it doesn't need the user to do any configuration
in order to run tests).  Right now the suite only has one test to see that the
AppServer can be started -- that was my proof-of concept.  Tests can look at
the AppServer output (implemented), and could also make HTTP requests using
webunit or something and test the responses (unimplemented).

> Test Launcher - A script that will set the python path, choose the local
> machine's configuration, and then run all or just some tests.

Re: setting the python path, check out WebKit/Tests/FixPath.py.  I grabbed this 
from Chuck's MiddleKit test suite, and it sets the python path (sys.path) to 
Webware tree in which the test is located.  

> How does that sound?

This sounds wonderful.  Do you have CVS write access?  If not, maybe get Geoff 
to give you access.


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