Shayne ONeill hat gesagt: // Shayne ONeill wrote:

> I'd certainly take no offence if a reST one is used :) That little wiki I
> whacked together is admitedly a little messy and probably useless without
> the auth the rest of my software provides. :) Whats the PyDiddy port like?

PyDiddy is my port of PikiPiki to be a Webware-WikiWiki. (Do I sound
like a Teletubby...? ) 

You can see it in action on my site: http://footils.org/cms/wiki/ and
get the code at webware-sandbox.sf.net 

It is a very simple, but well working Wiki, that we also use in our
intranet for several time now. 

But it isn't a very well structured piece of software, the renderer is
hard to extend and it's not template-based. But it is very stable and
generally JustWorks (tm) all the time.

It even has a crude user authentication! But I wouldn't recommend it
for the Webware-site.

 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__

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