To restore the behavior I had to make some changes to the new that gets put into the working dir. Here is a copy of my for my context. Note I had to add back the workDir Option otherwise it would point to the webware folder and the default contexts not my workApp context. In any event it now behaves like the old file.



# Adjust AppServerService default parameters:
webwareDir = 'c:\\Program Files\\Webware'
workDir = r'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\wk_cybergalvez'
libraryDirs = ['C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\wk_cybergalvez\\libs']
serviceName = 'wk_cybergalvez'
serviceDisplayName = 'wk_cybergalvez'
serviceDescription = 'Cybergalvez WebKit App Server'
runProfile = 0
logFile = None

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, webwareDir)

from WebKit import AppServerService as appServerService

class AppServerService(appServerService.AppServerService):
        _svc_name_ = serviceName
        _svc_display_name_ = serviceDisplayName
        _svc_description_ = serviceDescription

appServerService.AppServerService = AppServerService
appServerService.webwareDir = webwareDir
appServerService.workDir = workDir
appServerService.libraryDirs = libraryDirs
appServerService.runProfile = runProfile
appServerService.logFile = logFile

if __name__ == '__main__':

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