OK, nothing of consequence in weewx.conf. You can run the vantage driver 
directly and have it output loop packets direct to the console, this takes 
WeeWX out of the equation. You can run the vantage driver directly by:

1. stopping WeeWX
2. running the following command:

$ PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python3 -m weewx.drivers.vantage

You should see continuous loop packets on the console. Are any bogus fields 
showing? If not let it run for a while. You can post the output here. 
Control-C will shut that down. Would also be useful to know the driver 

$ PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python3 -m weewx.drivers.vantage —version


On Wednesday, 13 October 2021 at 15:42:43 UTC+10 bill.g...@gmail.com wrote:

> No I forgot it, attached here. I was looking on github weewx, but I'm not 
> finding the drivers directory.  So I went looking at the vantage.py source 
> /usr/share/weewx/weewx/drivers/vantage.py.  Python is not my strong suit.  
> So I wondered if 
>    'leafWet1'        : lambda p, k: float(p[k]) if p[k] != 0xff else None,
> could be changed to 'leafWet1'   :None 
> and that would force the driver to always return NULL. 
> Then I thought, how about monitoring the serial port to see what was 
> coming in.  Another challenge, I think wireshark might help trace ttyUSB0 
> data. I tried screen, I'll have to try that again, thinking that would 
> accept the LOOP command and I'd see raw data from the Vantage console. 
> On Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 10:09:15 PM UTC-7 gjr80 wrote:
>> Unfortunately I don’t see any wee_debug output attached? I’d suggest we 
>> find the source and fix the problem at source. The driver is most likely 
>> the culprit but when you are displaying LOOP packets on the console you are 
>> not looking at the data straight out of the driver, rather you are looking 
>> at the LOOP packet after every service has had its turn processing the LOOP 
>> packet. So it doesn’t pin down the source.
>> Gary
>> On Wednesday, 13 October 2021 at 14:50:41 UTC+10 bill.g...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure the wee_debug will help, but I attached it. 
>>> So,  yes, the data is coming in from the driver in a LOOP packet for 
>>> sensors that don't exist and getting put into the database.   The problem 
>>> is down at the driver.  So there are no configuration options on the driver 
>>> to force values to NULL or 0.   Assuming either value is valid, I didn't 
>>> look at the source, forcing the field to NULL should prevent display.
>>> So I guess what you'd suggest is:
>>> stop weewxd.
>>> set the leafWet1 to NULL
>>> run wee_reports
>>> check the web page to see if leafWet1 is gone. 
>>> On Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 9:37:36 PM UTC-7 gjr80 wrote:
>>>> Bill,
>>>> The (one) change from b2 to b3 is that Seasons will now display 
>>>> whatever data it can find in any of the extended schema files in your 
>>>> database. Previously, Seasons displayed a fixed subset of the extended 
>>>> schema. b3/b4 Seasons is not creating the bogus data, it is merely 
>>>> displaying it - something else is creating the bogus data. That could be 
>>>> any of a myriad of sources; the driver, a core WeeWX service or some third 
>>>> party service. It is impossible to say what the source could be without 
>>>> knowing how WeeWX is configured, ie what driver, what services etc are 
>>>> loaded and how are they configured. That is what weewx.conf/wee_debug will 
>>>> tell us.
>>>> Since you seem to have installed the deb package you should be able to 
>>>> run wee_debug by simply typing:
>>>> $ wee_debug —info
>>>> to display the wee_debug output on the console. You can add the —output 
>>>> option to redirect the output to a file if you wish. Alternatively, if you 
>>>> are not comfortable using wee_debug you can just take copy of your 
>>>> weewx.conf, sanitise it by obliterating any sensitive info (user names, 
>>>> passwords, API keys etc) and post the sanitised file.
>>>> Gary
>>>> On Wednesday, 13 October 2021 at 14:19:25 UTC+10 bill.g...@gmail.com 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> ## Version: 4.6.0b4
>>>>> I ponder wee_debug.
>>>>> This is a change between beta2 and beta3, I didn't make any 
>>>>> adjustments to weewx.conf, just the upgrade.
>>>>> I observed  apt remove weewx left things behind, I can see it leaving 
>>>>> things that have been modified but not if the same code matches the file 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> the deb archive.  So, I'm perplexed as well that on install the Seasons 
>>>>> files were not restored.  I copies them from git to get them back in 
>>>>> place 
>>>>> and confirm the are the most recent dev versions. 
>>>>> So the code change to the Seasons skin seems to be working, but I'm a 
>>>>> bit stuck now on tracing why  data is being loaded into weewx.sdb from a 
>>>>> value that is not output by Vantage.  IE in the LOOP packet leafWet1 = 0.
>>>>> I'd expect the test to be showvalue if not NULL or 0.
>>>>> Since I set the values to NULL  and the LOOP packet is saying 0 and 
>>>>> that's what's being put into weewx.sdb, I'm not expecting the label or 
>>>>> graph to be generated via if $year.leafWet1.has_data or 
>>>>> $year.leafWet2.has_data.
>>>>> sqlite> select leafWet1 from archive where leafWet1 IS NOT NULL;
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> 0.0
>>>>> sqlite> 
>>>>> So I struggle here, 
>>>>> 1. LOOP data shows 0, but the label and graph is displayed.
>>>>> 2. LOOP data for other values doesn't appear to exist yet it's in the 
>>>>> database now.  
>>>>> 3. Just to  eliminate database issues, I've set leafWet2 and leafWet2 
>>>>> to NULL so the graph and label shouldn't print.
>>>>> 4. but this is new behavior from beta2 to beta3.
>>>>> My brain hurts. 
>>>>> On Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 8:01:20 PM UTC-7 gjr80 wrote:
>>>>>> On more thing, re Seasons template versioning. Tom has started 
>>>>>> versioning the Seasons template so if you have a look in 
>>>>>> skins/Seasons/index.html.tmpl you should find a version number in 
>>>>>> the first few lines, eg:
>>>>>> ## Copyright 2009-2018 Tom Keffer, Matthew Wall 
>>>>>> ## Distributed under terms of GPLv3. See LICENSE.txt for your rights. 
>>>>>> ## Version: 4.6.0b4 
>>>>>> #errorCatcher Echo
>>>>>> Gary

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