On Wednesday, 13 October 2021 at 17:37:33 UTC+10 bill.g...@gmail.com wrote:

> DRIVER_NAME = 'Vantage'
> DRIVER_VERSION = '3.2.3'
Good, current version of the driver. 

> output looks 'normal'.  I let it run for a while, looking for leafTemp1, 
> nothing found,
So the output you refer - I am guessing that is from running the driver 
directly as I mentioned previously? How long did you let it run for, at 
least 10 minutes (twice your archive interval)? It only takes one loop 
packet during an archive interval to include leafTemp1 and leafTemp1 will 
appear in your database.

> but the database is getting a new record every 5 minutes.  
Hang on, were these records saved when running the driver directly? If so 
that shouldn't happen, running the driver directly just outputs loop 
packets to the console, nothing is sent to WeeWX and hence nothing written 
to database. Did you stop WeeWX before running the driver directly?

> After setting to 0.0 and confirming no none 0.0 records. 
Not sure what you mean by this. 

sqlite> select leafTemp1 from archive where leafTemp1 != 0.0;
> -26.0
> -26.0
> -26.0
> sqlite> 
When querying the database you might find it useful (and will help us) if 
you use a query similar to this:

SELECT dateTime,datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch','localtime'),leafTemp1 FROM 
archive WHERE leafTemp1 != 0.0;

This will give something like the following:
1487015700|2017-02-14 05:55:00|2.0

where you can see the timestamp of the record.

> {'dateTime': 1634110148, 'usUnits': 1, 'barometer': 30.104, 'inTemp': 
> 70.3, 'inHumidity': 31.0, 'outTemp': 42.2, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windSpeed10': 
> 0.0, 'windDir': 342.0, 'outHumidity': 47.0, 'rainRate': 0.0, 'stormRain': 
> 0.0, 'dayRain': 0.0, 'monthRain': 0.2, 'yearRain': 0.2, 'dayET': 0.0, 
> 'monthET': 0.0, 'yearET': 0.0, 'leafWet4': 0.0, 'insideAlarm': 0, 
> 'rainAlarm': 0, 'outsideAlarm1': 0, 'outsideAlarm2': 0, 'extraAlarm1': 0, 
> 'extraAlarm2': 0, 'extraAlarm3': 0, 'extraAlarm4': 0, 'extraAlarm5': 0, 
> 'extraAlarm6': 0, 'extraAlarm7': 0, 'extraAlarm8': 0, 'soilLeafAlarm1': 0, 
> 'soilLeafAlarm2': 0, 'soilLeafAlarm3': 0, 'soilLeafAlarm4': 0, 
> 'txBatteryStatus': 0, 'consBatteryVoltage': 4.7, 'forecastIcon': 6, 
> 'forecastRule': 44, 'sunrise': 1634134260, 'sunset': 1634174820, 'rain': 
> 0.0}
 OK, this looks like a loop packet straight off the driver/station, all 
looks good.

The plot thickens. 
Yes. A little background on how your station works with WeeWX. The vantage 
driver obtains loop packets from your station every 2.5 odd seconds. 
Various WeeWX services process the incoming loop packets; notable here are 
StdCalibrate which applies corrections to the loop data and StdWXCalculate 
which adds derived obs to the loop packet (eg apparent temperature). WeeWX 
then accumulates the loop packet data and the process repeats. At the end 
of the archive interval (every five minutes in your case) WeeWX asks the 
driver/station for an archive record. In your case the station logger 
generates that archive record and sends it to the driver which sends it to 
WeeWX. Again those WeeWX services process the archive record. One important 
difference to how loop packets are processed is that WeeWX extracts 
whatever additional information it can from those accumulated loop packets 
and adds it to the archive record if it is not already in the archive 
record. WeeWX then saves this archive record to your database. This is a 
greatly simplified outline of what goes on and it can vary from user to 
user depending on settings.

So what? There are a few mechanisms that come to mind that could see 
leafTemp1 data saved in your database. For that to happen leafTemp1 must 
appear in the archive record that WeeWX saves to database. The following 
possibilities come to mind:

1. leafTemp1 is appearing regularly or randomly in loop packets, WeeWX 
accumulates this data and when the archive record is being processed before 
saving to database WeeWX is extracting the accumulated leafTemp1 data and 
adding it to the archive record which is then saved to database. This 
appears to be unlikely given you did not see any leafTemp1 data in the loop 
packets when you ran the driver directly. Though this depends on how often 
the issue shows itself, if it's every record then close monitoring of the 
driver loop packets for one or two archive intervals should either prove or 
dispel this as the problem. If it's a 'once in a while' problem then this 
is harder to prove one way or another. 

2. The logger in your console (that generates the archive record and sends 
it to the driver) is for some unknown reason adding leafTemp1 data to the 
archive record. WeeWX then processes the archive record (but doesn't add 
leafTemp1 - it's already there) and saves it to database. This is 
consistent with not seeing leafTemp1 in any loop packets. Possible I guess, 
seems an unusual failure though. Might benefit from clearing the logger 
using wee_device --clear-memory 
<http://weewx.com/docs/hardware.htm#vantage_clear_console_memory> to clear 
the logger memory. There is no way of accessing the archive record as 
emitted by the driver without patching the either the driver code or WeeWX 

3. Some other service is setting leafTemp1. Given your config this is 
pretty unlikely plus there are no other non-core WeeWX services being run 
that could be misbehaving.

What to do. First up I would set your leafTemp1 data in your database to 
None rather than 0.0. 0.0 is considered valid data, eg a temperature of 0 
degrees is still valid. In WeeWX parlance, missing or no data is usually 
indicated by the python value None. To do this:

1. stop WeeWX

2. use an SQLite update query to set leafTemp1 to NULL:
$ sqlite3 /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb
sqlite> UPDATE archive SET leafTemp1=NULL WHERE leafTemp1 IS NOT NULL;
sqlite> .q

3. rebuild the daily summary tables:
$ wee_database --rebuild-daily

Then I would remove the [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] setting you have for 

Then run the driver directly for at least 10 minutes and verify that 
leafTemp1 does not appear in any loop packets. Post the output her if you 
wish. You can check the database if you like (but use LeafTemp1 IS NOT NULL 
rather than LeafTemp1 != 0.0 in your query) but there should be nothing in 

Now run WeeWX directly, this will display loop packets (lines starting with 
LOOP:) and archive records (lines starting with REC:) on the console. Let 
WeeWX run for at least 10 minutes and see it leafTemp1 appears anywhere. If 
it appears does it appear in LOOP: or REC: lines or both? Post the output 
here. Again you can check your database if you wish 


> On Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 11:09:39 PM UTC-7 gjr80 wrote:
>> OK, nothing of consequence in weewx.conf. You can run the vantage driver 
>> directly and have it output loop packets direct to the console, this takes 
>> WeeWX out of the equation. You can run the vantage driver directly by:
>> 1. stopping WeeWX
>> 2. running the following command:
>> $ PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python3 -m weewx.drivers.vantage
>> You should see continuous loop packets on the console. Are any bogus 
>> fields showing? If not let it run for a while. You can post the output 
>> here. Control-C will shut that down. Would also be useful to know the 
>> driver version:
>> $ PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python3 -m weewx.drivers.vantage —version
>> Gary 

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