I'm getting more and more confused with this skin architecture.
I have just change the directory of the report as described in the minimize 
write of SD card h
to save some SD access on the little pi.
everything run nice and smooth for the remote syslog and for the temporary 
file system mount in /var/weewx/reports/
but now when i open the index page of the report i have the forcast table 
of the forecast skin instead on the usual index file (same thing with 
Standard skin or sofaskin skin)
before i change the directory of the report i had the normal index file 
I probably mess up something in the weewx.conf and the skin.conf but i 
can't figure out what?

On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 12:01:20 PM UTC+7, Marc Aubry wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running weewx 3.6.2 deb package on a raspberry pi2 with a WH2310 
> weather station connected with the wh23xx (TyconTP2700). 
> archives are hosted on external mysql database (on the same lan).
> everything works fine with standard and sofaskin templates.
> I have installed wee-forecast-3.0.8 and followed the instruction from
>  https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/forecasting 
> <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/forecasting>  for the automated 
> installation.
> xtide and NWS are not working in my area (west sumatra) and have been 
> removed from the /etc/weewx/weewx.conf and 
> /etc.weewx/skins/forecast/skin.conf
> i'm only interested in WU and Zambretti forecasts.
>  i have a working WU api key
> the page http://my-raspberrypi/weewx/forecast is working and diplay the 
> WU forecast for my zonne and the Zambretti forecast.
> Check screen capture bellow.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7Ow-16aZS6Q/WDZuU3oxd3I/AAAAAAAAO54/2FaVerCJ-i03SWi3GUYPqu-iurlMCeINACLcB/s1600/weewxForecast.jpg>
> I then try to implement the forecast table inside the index.html.tmpl page 
> of the standard and sofaskin skins. by modifying the skin.conf as the one 
> in /etc/weewx/skins/forecast/skin.conf files and including the 
>  forecast_tabl.inc. not really knowing or understanding the engine creation 
> process, i just copy(just in case) the folder icons and the .inc file from 
> the forecast skin folder to my skins template folder (standard and 
> sofaskin).
> for the two skins (standard and sofaskin) same issue. The engine is not 
> creating any new page and the time display on the index page is the last 
> one before my modification.
> i then restore the conf file and the html.tmpl files on the two skins and 
> everything fine again (but without embedded forecast).
> It's probably a school boy mistake....
> my questions are:
> Why the forecast table creation is working from the forecast skin folder 
> and not if i try to implement it in an other page?
> What is the exact method to implement the forecast table on different page 
> and skin (different skin folder)?
> Is it possible to display the WU forecast in metric instead of imperial?
> sorry for my newbies question.
> thanks in advance for any help.

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