as already posted above the syslog doesn't show anything.

below, you'll find an extract of the syslog
*Dec 15 21:05:31 weatherstation weewx[600]: genimages: Generated 12 images 
for StandardReport in 2.36 seconds*
*Dec 15 21:05:31 weatherstation weewx[600]: reportengine: copied 0 files to 
*Dec 15 21:05:35 weatherstation weewx[600]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 
files for report forecast in 3.96 seconds*
*Dec 15 21:05:35 weatherstation weewx[600]: reportengine: copied 0 files to 
*Dec 15 21:10:15 weatherstation weewx[600]: manager: added record 
2016-12-15 21:10:00 WIB (1481811000) to database 'weewx'*
*Dec 15 21:10:16 weatherstation weewx[600]: manager: added record 
2016-12-15 21:10:00 WIB (1481811000) to daily summary in 'weewx'*
*Dec 15 21:10:16 weatherstation weewx[600]: forecast: WUThread: WU: 
downloading forecast from 
*Dec 15 21:10:17 weatherstation weewx[600]: restx: PWSWeather: Published 
record 2016-12-15 21:10:00 WIB (1481811000)*
*Dec 15 21:10:17 weatherstation weewx[600]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: 
Published record 2016-12-15 21:10:00 WIB (1481811000)*
*Dec 15 21:10:20 weatherstation weewx[600]: forecast: WUThread: WU: got 240 
forecast records*
*Dec 15 21:10:20 weatherstation weewx[600]: forecast: WUThread: WU: saved 
240 forecast records*
*Dec 15 21:10:20 weatherstation weewx[600]: forecast: WUThread: WU: deleted 
forecasts prior to 1481206220*
*Dec 15 21:10:27 weatherstation weewx[600]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 7 
files for report StandardReport in 11.10 seconds*
*Dec 15 21:10:34 weatherstation weewx[600]: genimages: Generated 12 images 
for StandardReport in 7.39 seconds*
*Dec 15 21:10:34 weatherstation weewx[600]: reportengine: copied 0 files to 
*Dec 15 21:10:38 weatherstation weewx[600]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 
files for report forecast in 3.93 seconds*
*Dec 15 21:10:38 weatherstation weewx[600]: reportengine: copied 0 files to 
*Dec 15 21:17:01 weatherstation CRON[1378]: (root) CMD (   cd / && 
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)*
*Dec 15 22:17:01 weatherstation CRON[1403]: (root) CMD (   cd / && 
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)*

On Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 1:05:20 PM UTC+7, Andrew Milner wrote:
> Does the log not give you some clues as to what is happening?
> Post the log here so we can take a look.
> On Wednesday, 21 December 2016 07:15:50 UTC+2, Marc Aubry wrote:
>> Unfortunately the weewx server is still crashing without notification 
>> I was running it manually in screen bash session with the following 
>> command:
>> sudo weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>> at 11:am the server stop reporting
>> the last thing show on the ssh monitor was:
>> *LOOP:   2016-12-21 11:00:19 WIB (1482292819) altimeter: 1012.5004014, 
>> appTemp: 34.6412658736, barometer: 1012.77085478, cloudbase: 980.601230983, 
>> dateTime: 1482292819, dewpoint: 22.0758236992, heatindex: 33.2451096311, 
>> humidex: 39.2910732879, inDewpoint: 67.7493146686, inHumidity: 69, inTemp: 
>> 26.0, light: 81225.0, maxSolarRad: 959.011497146, outHumidity: 63, outTemp: 
>> 29.9, pressure: 1012.2, radiation: 669.264, rain: 0.0, rainRate: 0.0, 
>> usUnits: 16, UV: 6, windchill: 29.9, windDir: None, windGust: 0.0, 
>> windGustDir: None, windSpeed: 0.0*
>> *REC:    2016-12-21 11:00:00 WIB (1482292800) altimeter: 1012.49513572, 
>> appTemp: 34.1633055484, barometer: 1012.76626398, cloudbase: 964.458379722, 
>> dateTime: 1482292800.0, dewpoint: 21.8473922208, ET: 0.00744922107877, 
>> heatindex: 32.6166945788, humidex: 38.723504012, inDewpoint: 68.0579883866, 
>> inHumidity: 69.7368421053, inTemp: 26.0, interval: 5, light: 80407.9894737, 
>> maxSolarRad: 953.543006372, outHumidity: 63.4210526316, outTemp: 
>> 29.5421052632, pressure: 1012.19473684, radiation: 716.813894737, rain: 
>> 0.0, rainRate: 0.0, usUnits: 16, UV: 6.36842105263, windchill: 
>> 29.5421052632, windDir: None, windGust: 0.0, windGustDir: None, windrun: 
>> 17.1915342026, windSpeed: 0.0*
>> The cscreen was blocked on that last message and no more data from the 
>> weather station was displayed
>> No error message in the syslog.
>> if i manually stop the script with CTRL C snd start it again manually 
>> everything start again normally 
>> How can i identify the source of the crash?
>> as mentionned in my previous post, this is my config:
>> weewx 3.6.2-1 on a raspberry pi 2 connected to the lan via cable and a 
>> deported mysql database server hosted on ubuntu linux computer.
>> weewx report on local webserver hosted on the same rapberry as the weewx 
>> server and on a ftp server at the following: 
>> http://web.cubadak-paradisovillage.com/weather
>> any assistance will be welcome....
>> On Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 7:49:59 AM UTC+7, Marc Aubry wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The sever hasn't crashed last night, so the problem seem to be solved.
>>> to solve it i did the following:
>>> *sudo apt-get update *
>>> to upgrade all the raspbian dependencies
>>> *wget -O weewx-wh23xx.zip 
>>> https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-wh23xx/archive/master.zip 
>>> <https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-wh23xx/archive/master.zip> *
>>> *wee_extension --install weewx-wh23xx.zip*
>>> to upgrade the wh23xx driver
>>> i still don't know what wass crashing weewx? i' m still monitoring it 
>>> because i'm not convinced by this solution :)
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> On Friday, December 16, 2016 at 9:51:46 AM UTC+7, mwall wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 9:45:39 PM UTC-5, Marc Aubry wrote:
>>>>> Hi 
>>>>> how do i know which version of the wh23xx driver i'm running? it's 
>>>>> should be in user.wh23xx but i can't find the location.
>>>> the driver version is reported in the log soon after weewx starts up
>>>> or you can find it in the driver code:
>>>> grep VERSION user/wh23xx.py
>>>> to reinstall the driver is it enough to do :
>>>>> wget -O weewx-wh23xx.zip 
>>>>> https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-wh23xx/archive/master.zip 
>>>>> wee_extension --install weewx-wh23xx.zip
>>>>> and restart weewx ????
>>>> that would do it!
>>>> m 

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