Thanks so much, Gary, I really appreciate the detailed response.  :)

The only reason I was thinking two tables might be appropriate was because 
I was going to use the standard Unix Epoch timestamp as the primary key 
each time data is written.  So each time a row is created, one of the 
values would be null;  when I write the TempDay value, TempNight would be 
null, and vice versa.

On Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at 6:02:15 PM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
> Hi,
> People are seldom on the wrong track, just on a longer or more difficult 
> one! A few things to think about....
> 1. Leverage off the weewx code wherever possible, weewx already does 
> everything you will want to do except calculate the 'day' and 'night' 
> temperatures. The service StdArchive (class StdArchive in 
> takes care of saving obs to database, service StdWxCalculate (class 
> StdWXCalculate in adds derived obs to the loop packets and 
> archive records.
> 2. You could put everything in one service but I would do it in two to 
> keep in line with the weewx architecture. I would have one service, derived 
> from StdWxCalculate, that calculates 'day' and 'night' temperature and 
> adds them to loop packets and archive records. I would have another 
> service, derived from StdArchive, that takes care of getting your data 
> into the database. No need to be copying from database to database or 
> creating databases yourself, just define a schema for your archive table, 
> put it in a file in bin/weewx/user (can use or create your 
> own) and when properly defined in weewx.conf (bindings etc) your derived 
> StdArchive service will take care of almost everything for you. I would 
> suggest you famialiarise yourself with StdArchive and StdWXCalculate.
> 3. Why have two tables, why not one? It keeps it simpler and you only need 
> to remember one binding when using tags in a template. Think carefully 
> about the names for you new obs, they will be used in tags in your 
> templates to display the data. For example, 
> $day($binding=new_binding).day.max will display the max daytime temp for 
> today so far (assumes your new database is bound to the binding 
> new_binding). Weewx obs fields are typically a little more informative as 
> to what it is they are measuring, what does 'day' measure? Maybe something 
> like $day($binding=new_binding).outTempDay.max might be better, now the 
> obs name hints at what it holds. But to do this would require you yo use 
> the column outTempDay in your database. So a little bit of thought and 
> planning up front will help in the end.
> 4. I would expect you would see a new binding added to [DataBindings] and 
> a new datbase added to [Databases] in weewx.conf. You will probably need 
> a stanza for your new StdArchive derived service, if for nothing else to 
> specify what binding it will use.
> 5. Developing and testing is the fun stuff. Attack the job piecemeal, 
> that's the best way to eat an elephant. Develop the code to get day and 
> night temps into the loop packets and archive records, you can monitor this 
> by simply running weewx directly. If you run into issues a few syslog lines 
> in your code will give you some output to the log that you can monitor when 
> running your code. You really want 3 screens open; one with your code for 
> editing, one to monitor the log with tail and one to start/stop weewx etc. 
> Once you are getting the right data in the loop packets and archive records 
> then put together the code for saviing it to database. This can be harder 
> to monitor, you probably need to do a little bit of command line SQL from 
> sqlite or mysql to see what is in your database.
> It will be a steep learning curve but once learnt will give you a far 
> better understanding of what goes on within weewx and set you up well for 
> your next project.
> Gary
> On Monday, 23 January 2017 02:51:18 UTC+10, Jared wrote:
>> Okay, I got some basic thoughts down and I think I'm ready to actually 
>> create a service.  Or something.  This is a simple task and there's a bunch 
>> of ways to do it, so I'm coming across a lot of "where do I do it" 
>> questions.  Do I write more code and have my python file do it manually, or 
>> do I take advantage of what's already built into weewx?  If so, how?
>> I decided that I want to go with a separate database called day_night.sdb 
>> with two tables, 'day' and 'night'.  I made the tables with the following 
>> schemas.  Just a timestamp, the units, and the average day/night 
>> temperature respectively for that day.  
>> `usUnits` INTEGER NOT NULL, `temp` REAL);
>> `usUnits` INTEGER NOT NULL, `temp` REAL);
>> So I need to hit the real weewx database, query it, then write to my 
>> database.  As a test I made a python file, imported the sqlite3 module, and 
>> performed some database writes.  This worked fine.  I suppose I could query 
>> the weewx database this way as well, do the calculations, and then write, 
>> but this feels like it's not the right way to think about things.  I feel 
>> like I should be using more of the internal weewx stuff.
>> For example I see [DatabaseTypes] in weewx.conf.  Would I add my database 
>> file here or that unnecessary since I don't think I'll be using any wee 
>> database functions (I'm not writing to the standard database after all). 
>>  As far as the service itself, it seems like this would piggyback off 
>> StdArchive as an archive_service?  What's the best way for me to test stuff 
>> as I'm figuring it out?
>> Am I on the right track or no?  :)
>> On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 5:41:05 PM UTC-5, Jared wrote:
>>> Oh and I suppose I need Units as well.
>>> On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 5:34:41 PM UTC-5, Jared wrote:
>>>> At this point I'm starting to feel like this would be a neat little 
>>>> project for me to get familiar with a number of things (weewx, python, 
>>>> sqlite, etc.), so I'm feeling a bit ambitious and think I'll give this a 
>>>> try myself.
>>>> I definitely think storing the info in a database is the way to go. 
>>>>  mwall mentioned creating a separate database and then running a service 
>>>> twice a day.  I like this approach because it will allow me to mess around 
>>>> as a noob without potentially screwing up the real database.  
>>>> I also like the sunrise/sunset as the day/night boundary idea.  With 
>>>> that said, what do you guys think makes the most sense from the standpoint 
>>>> of database construction and then calling upon it usefully later?  This is 
>>>> what I was thinking (and please let me know if this is silly, especially 
>>>> if 
>>>> my primary key makes no sense).  The DB will have one table with the 
>>>> primary key, day, and night values.  I can use something like YYYY-MM-DD 
>>>> as 
>>>> the primary key.  Night would be the average temperature between sunset 
>>>> the 
>>>> previous day and sunrise of the present day.  Day would be populated at 
>>>> sunset with the average temperature between sunrise and sunset. 
>>>>  Alternatively, the primary key could be the unix epoch for 00:00 GMT of 
>>>> that day to keep conversions more fluid (since the service would only 
>>>> populate it at sunrise and sunset and the value is not really 
>>>> time-dependent but rather date-dependent).  Or it could just be the unix 
>>>> epoch for the time that the service runs.  Whatever makes it easier for 
>>>> later recall.
>>>> On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 4:33:26 PM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
>>>>> weewx-WD provides warmest night/coldest day stats by maintaining two 
>>>>> fields, outTempDay and outTempNight, in the weewx-WD database. Data is 
>>>>> stored using the 0600-1800 day. Aggregates over month, year all time etc 
>>>>> now become very simple, just part of the standard weewx machinery and you 
>>>>> avoid some pretty messy and slow queries that would have to operate on 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> archive. The downside is you are essentially double recording outTemp but 
>>>>> what's another few Mbytes.
>>>>> I agree it's a very useful statistic and one that is quite relevant 
>>>>> here at this time of year.
>>>>> Gary

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