[wasn't sure if this belonged in the development group or here, so posting 
to both places]

Hi all, 

I’ve got an Accurate 5-in-1, with the sensor at the top of a tower (100 
feet or so) and the console in a blockhouse on the bottom. The console is 
in USB mode 4, and attached to a computer running CentOS with WeeWX running.

Today we had a line of severe thunderstorms so out team went back to check 
what was reported. Wind/Temp/Humidity/Wind Vector information all seem to 
be correct. However, the rain amount is showing up with rain last night 
when we had clear conditions and a HUGE number for rain today.

The sensor could be reporting a faulty number, or possibly this is caused 
by the Accurite driver or WeeWX itself. If anyone has any debugging ideas 
I’d appreciate it. (Kind of a challenge to get at the sensor array, it’s on 
top of a mast on top of the tower).

I have a very similar model of weather station at home and it correctly 
reflected .2 inches of rain.

Here’s the database search and the output.

Thanks in advance,
Jerry KB2GCG

[w3vd@w3dra-ebright-server01 ~]$ echo "SELECT dateTime,rain,rainrate FROM 
archive WHERE rain > 0 or rainrate > 0 order by dateTime;" | sqlite3 

datetime rain rainrate
1488005400 0.68 1.6838095238
1488005700 0 2.72
1488006000 0 2.72
1488006300 0 1.0361904762
1488059100 0.05 0.05
1488059400 0.4 1.06
1488059700 0.16 2.259047619
1488060000 0.08 2.422
1488060300 0.03 1.7454545455
1488060600 0.01 0.656
1488060900 0 0.4495238095
1488061200 0 0.1145454545
1488061500 0 0.014
1488061800 0.01 0.0304761905
1488062100 0.01 0.0472727273
1488062400 0 0.08
1488062700 0.01 0.0780952381
1488063000 0 0.0727272727
1488063300 0 0.04
1488063600 0 0.0114285714
1488064200 0.01 0.002
1488064500 0 0.04
1488064800 0 0.04
1488065100 0 0.0380952381
1488065400 70.2 93.6
1488065700 0 280.8
1488066000 0 280.8
1488066300 0 187.2

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