On 16 March 2017 at 21:25, Peter Humphrey <series.one...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Apologies for dragging this up from the dead...
> I, too, have a wmr200 that has been running fine (with only very
> occasional reception loss e.g. on low battery or significant local RF
> transmission) standalone for several years.
> I recently installed WeeWx/Apache2 running headless on an early Raspberry
> Pi running the standard (Debian) wheezy image. Software runs fine, no log
> issues, generates reports nicely.
> I lost reception from the outdoor sensors as soon as I connected the USB
> cable to the WMR- even if WeeWx isn't running on the RaPi.  it is like
> magic- connect- lose sensors-disconnect and the data returns to the
> display.

Lost or lose?
I'm working on the assumption that it's lose ie: it hasn't worked sinced
you've started using the pi?

With the some of the early models you could backpower the pi from the USB.
I wonder if that's happening with yours and the 5V to the wmr200 is being
affected with the drain?

' cat /proc/cpuinfo ' will show the hardware and revision number

Hardware        : BCM2709
Revision        : a22082
Serial          : 000000004f84e41b

from there you could find out whether it's an issue that might be affecting


> I guessed there was an RFI/EMI problem, so added ferrite slugs to all the
> RaPi cables- now I just lose the wind sensor (which i think is the poorest
> transmitter as it suffers very occasional data loss normally).

Ah, some improvement but still misbehaving.
I do wonder if it could be related to the design of the Pi's USB though, I
understand that they are quirky.  If I put a long cable between the pi and
the wifi it starts to act up, which is more about inadequate power in my
Anyway, good luck. Hopefully it helps rather than distracts.


rorpi - read only raspberry pi + weewx: now with scripts

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