/home only contains one dir, /home/ray so can I assume that there is no 
duplicate copy of weewx? I ask this because a dir named weewx also appears 
at  /etc/weewx.
>From User's Guide 'Run as a daemon'as I seem to remember installing from a 
deb package but tried to check - no luck ,think I must have deleted orig 
packsge file . However there is a line 'Debian/Ubuntu/Mint: cp 
util/init.d/weewx.debian /etc/init.d/weewx' which I don't understand - 
should I have a dir called util? I do have /etc/weewx:-
ray@ray-Aspire-5735:/etc$ cd weewx
ray@ray-Aspire-5735:/etc/weewx$ ls
apache       logwatch   udev                       weewx.conf.20171129221739
import       rsyslog.d  weewx.conf                 weewx.conf.dist
logrotate.d  skins      weewx.conf.20171129221558
What should I do with  this little lot? Keep as is or delete? 

On Saturday, 25 November 2017 20:47:05 UTC+1, Ray wrote:
> Am  'reading myself in' to weewx as a totally new user so please forgive 
> dumbo 
> questions! I find that my  Station (Aercus WS 3083) uses the Fine 
> OffsetUSB6 Station Driver, do I need to check it is installed? Station was 
> working yesterday but checkig today with file:///var/www/html/weewx/index.
>  takes me to a page which shows data for *one day only*, 25/11/17, the 
> day I installed weewx. How do I get it to show more?
> Details of location are clearly incorrect, can I just put the correct 
> values in and save? The parts of weewx.conf which I think I should correct, 
> at least for starters, are in attachment. 
> Some advice would help me a great deal.

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