Hi Glenn,

Just like how you have shift_rain can we do the same for temperature also? 
The meteorological day is different in different countries and it is not 
just for rain.


On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 10:51:24 UTC+5:30, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've wanted a summary page for a while now, one that I could use to 
> compare my stations values with the local airport 
> <http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDV60801/IDV60801.94852.shtml>  It turns 
> out we track fairly well (except for wind it seems; my long held suspicion 
> takes firmer root. I'd better weed soon.)
> I've gone down the path of a php page which integrates with weewx fairly 
> well (it's handled by the cheetahGenerator so gets some of the benefits of 
> weewx's configured variables). I believe using php is the correct approach, 
> without generating a thousand static pages by weewx itself, but weewx is 
> still evolving and surprises me with just what it can do, ie:  I might have 
> missed the (not) so obvious.
> It's built on the framework outlined by Powerin in a series of posts back 
> in late 2015 the main one being Daily climatological summaries 
> <https://groups.google.com/d/topic/weewx-user/cEAzvxv3T6Q/discussion>  
> It's built around the seasons skin, but the guts of it can be pulled out 
> and thrown into another skin. (Ha! I just realized I could have put all the 
> php, the body,  in an #include myself. Better late than never!  :-)
> Currently it only handles Metric units, especially with the delta-T calcs. 
> No doubt it could be tweaked but my itch is scratched with the Metric.
> It will pull in the unit labels as configured by weewx, it will then 
> detect and abort (unless you remove the return; ) on detecting a usUnits 
> database - so the hooks are there. If it keeps raining here and I get bored 
> - perhaps?
> It handles either sqlite or mysql with appropriate priming.
> It does half hour summaries, averaged or point in time values (again, 
> configurable)
> Doesn't attempt to predict the future, doesn't conjure up the past. It 
> should even catch a database misconfiguration.
> It's not wrapped in an easily installable skin, as I'm not sure how to 
> inject an add-on into an existing skin. Plus I'm reasonably certain I 
> shouldn't - considering what would happen if I got it wrong! That said, 
> there's nothing magical about the installation.
> I have a mysql database and it worked out of the box with apache2. 
> The sqlite setup required an *apt-get install php-sqlite3 *to work.  It 
> was tested on some archived data so hopefully it too will be okay.
> I don't have this running on my weewx site, because there's no database to 
> query there. In lieu of that a pdf screen shot is attached.
> Where is it?
> https://github.com/glennmckechnie/weewx-wxobs
> There is one caveat with it. To do with the javascript files, 
> datepicker.js wasn't playing nicely with the seasons.js and the sidemenu 
> widgets were failing to toggle correctly. As I've noted on the github 
>> The toggle feature on the #includes was disrupted and didn't behave as it 
>> should. I've edited datepicker.js and removed window.onload=null; from the 
>> function onDOMReady
>> Nothing seems to have broken (for me). It fixed the problem but I'm not 
>> knowledgable enough to know what side-effects I've invoked. YMMV. Expert 
>> knowledge and/or fixes welcomed.
> I waded out a little too far it seems, I made it back though. Hopefully 
> I've tested the depth well enough? ?
> Cheers
>  Glenn
> rorpi - read only raspberry pi + weewx: now with scripts 
> <https://github.com/glennmckechnie/rorpi-raspberrypi>

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