WOOHOOOO!!!!!  You sir, are da man!  I dumped the memory - using one of 
those commands below (can't remember now which one!) and ka-bang.  Started 
weewx and I am online and reporting!

Thanks so much everybody!!!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 10:22:37 PM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
> Judging by your log and the fact you had a power interruption I suspect 
> that you may have corrupt station memory (have a look at corrupt station 
> memory in the User's Guide 
> http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#html_generated_but_not_updated) . 
> This occurs sometimes when power in unexpectedly cut and shows itself in 
> the log as no archive records being saved to database yet reports are still 
> run. You appear to have some connectivity issues as well as you have some 
> problems getting loop data from the console, this could be related to the 
> corrupt memory but usually loop packets continue as normal.
> I suggest that once you can get to a command prompt on your weeWX machine 
> you clear the console memory (clearing the station memory keeps all the 
> console settings it just clears the memory used to store observational 
> data). First you need to stop weeWX, something like:
> $ sudo systemctl stop weewx 
> or
> $ sudo service weewx stop
> or
> $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop
> Work through until one works and stops weeWX. You then need to use one of 
> the following to dump the station memory and then clear the station memory:
> $ sudo /home/weewx/bin/wee_device --dump
> $ sudo /home/weewx/bin/wee_device --clear-memory
> or
> $ sudo /usr/share/weewx/wee_device --dump
> $ sudo /usr/share/weewx/wee_device --clear-memory
> Which two commands depends solely on how weeWX was installed, since that 
> is still not clear try either; it will either work or throw an error but 
> will not doing anything destructive. If you get an error use the other 
> command.
> Once the memory has been cleared use one of the following to start weeWX:
> $ sudo systemctl start weewx 
> or
> $ sudo service weewx start
> or
> $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start
> See how you go with that. Have a look at the log after you restart weeWX 
> and see if you are getting any data saved to database, it will take up to 
> 30 minutes. If you do post the log give us a good 1 hour and include the 
> weeWX startup.
> Gary
> PS. Your archive period of 30 minutes is a bit long, but let's get weeWX 
> working properly then we can worry about fine tuning.

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