Hi Steve,

Ah, the penny has just dropped. Can you uninstall rtgd. Now that I think 
back I saw an issue like this sometime ago (not sure if it was you) and I 
seem to remember the constant rescaling/redrawing of gauges was due to both 
the SteelSeries extension and rtgd producing gauge-data.txt thus confusing 
the SteelSeries Gauges. In any case I have sat here this morning on a VM 
and the SteelSeries Gauges handle None values for windchill etc quite OK, 
so I don't think that is the problem. In any case let's take rtgd out of 
the equation, get the SteelSeries Gauges working OK and then move to rtgd.


On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 02:16:57 UTC+10, Steve2Q wrote:
> Hi Gary..when it is convenient for you (I'm sure you have a real life!!), 
> I am still flummoxed (bushed?)! I did several uninstall/re-install cycles 
> of Steel Gauges and Rtgd. Right now I am back to just having SG version 
> 2.6.3 with no changes to any of the files. You can see what this looks like 
> on my site. I am sure you know that there is version 2.7.1 of SG available 
> here:  https://github.com/mcrossley/SteelSeries-Weather-Gauges
> I tried installing this newer version (I did it manually as there is no 
> extension available) but it was no different. I don't know if Rtgd doesn't 
> play well with it.
> I have even gone back and looked at my backups, and when I changed things 
> in gauges.js  to correspond it made no difference other than at one point 
> giving me no gauges at all.
> One observation: is it a normal part of the installation of 2.6.3 as an 
> extension to have the /ss in two places? It is under /weewx/skins   and    
> weewx/public_html
> Thanks, Steve

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