Read about how you can redirect only the traffic to WU servers to your
weewx server then you will be ok.

I've seen some Merlin router firmware descriptions how it can be done. Or
DD-WRT descriptions are around the net too.


Joe Santas <> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. máj. 21., Ke

> You may be onto something.  So i will have to turn off the non wu servers
> on the device its self.  Im unable to do this as i am at work but i can
> reconfigure my router remotely to route the correct traffic. I can try this
> from work.  Which protocol should i leave active?  At the moment i am
> forwarding all tcp traffic to my weewx server from the weather station.
> Regards
> On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 12:13:36 AM UTC+10, Gábor Szabados wrote:
>> I can see more issues there, because I faced a similar one before.
>> One of your issues, maybe the main one, that your weather station is
>> sending reports to multiple servers and all of them ia redirected to your
>> weewx. Interceptor tries to parse all the messages and faces a mixed state
>> with yearlyrainin and dailyrainin and some rounding issues.
>> First try to turn off the reporting to the non-wu servers. Or set your
>> router to forward only the wu request to your weewx. Then the interceptor
>> will recieve and parse only one kind of messages.
>> Gabor
>> Joe Santas <> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. máj. 21., Ke
>> 15:52):
>>> wraparound detected in this log.
>>> After clearing the database rainfall graph has started to populate once
>>> again even though no rain lol.
>>> On Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 5:12:03 PM UTC+10, Gábor Szabados wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>> Could you try to look for messages in the log, like interceptor:
>>>> MainThread: rain counter wraparound detected:
>>>> I can see a rounding issue (maybe) at the yearly rain is once 2.248 the
>>>> then 2.25, when no weekly rain change.
>>>> May 21 02:53:17 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[7192]: interceptor: MainThread:
>>>> raw data:
>>>> PASSKEY=********************&stationtype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2&dateutc=2019-05-20+16:53:05&tempinf=65.8&humidityin=60&baromrelin=30.14&baromabsin=29.54&tempf=55.4&humidity=77&winddir=16&windspeedmph=2.9&windspdmph_avg10m=0.0&windgustmph=3.4&maxdailygust=8.1&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.000&monthlyrainin=1.346&yearlyrainin=2.248&solarradiation=0.00&uv=0
>>>> May 21 02:53:22 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[7192]: interceptor:
>>>> ServerThread: GET:
>>>> ID=*********&PASSWORD=****&indoortempf=65.8&tempf=55.4&dewptf=48.4&windchillf=55.4&indoorhumidity=60&humidity=77&windspeedmph=2.9&windgustmph=3.4&winddir=16&absbaromin=29.54&baromin=30.14&rainin=0.00&dailyrainin=0.00&weeklyrainin=0.00&monthlyrainin=1.35&yearlyrainin=2.25&solarradiation=0.00&UV=0&dateutc=2019-05-20%2016:53:21&softwaretype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5
>>>> Look for wraparound events and check on your console too what is your
>>>> yearly value. Try to find places where the yearlyrainin changes and where
>>>> it calculates rain from the change then I can try to find you the logic
>>>> what goes wrong. Look for dateutc values too, is it incremental or changes
>>>> back time to time when wraparound happens, if happens.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Gabor
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