Hard to make say too much from such a short log extract. Did you restart 
WeeWX? Would be worthwhile seeing the log from a restart onwards covering a 
least a couple of archive periods.


On Wednesday, 22 May 2019 16:10:09 UTC+10, Joe Santas wrote:
> Just tried disabling rapid fire but no change.  Its still incrementing as 
> previously... That 2.2.x figure still pops up..  Not sure where its pulling 
> this from
> using rain_total 2.248
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> ignored parameter action=updateraw
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter weeklyrainin=0.00
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: raw 
> packet: {'wind_speed': 2.7, 'humidity_in': 54.0, 'temperature_in': 72.7, 
> 'barometer': 30.3, 'windchill': 70.9, 'dewpoint': 45.5, 'humidity_out': 
> 40.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'radiation': 50.65, 'rain': 0.0, 'dateTime': 1558505079, 
> 'temperature_out': 70.9, 'wind_dir': 17.0, 'rain_total': 2.25, 'usUnits': 
> 1, 'wind_gust': 3.4}
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> mapped packet: {'barometer': 30.3, 'windchill': 70.9, 'dewpoint': 45.5, 
> 'outHumidity': 40.0, 'UV': 0.0, 'radiation': 50.65, 'rain': 0.0, 
> 'dateTime': 1558505079, 'windDir': 17.0, 'outTemp': 70.9, 'windSpeed': 2.7, 
> 'inHumidity': 54.0, 'inTemp': 72.7, 'windGust': 3.4, 'usUnits': 1}
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: ServerThread: 
> POST: 
> PASSKEY=XXXX&stationtype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2&dateutc=2019-05-22+06:04:39&tempinf=72.7&humidityin=54&baromrelin=30.30&baromabsin=29.69&tempf=70.9&humidity=40&winddir=17&windspeedmph=2.7&windspdmph_avg10m=0.0&windgustmph=3.4&maxdailygust=6.9&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.000&monthlyrainin=
> 1.346&yearlyrainin=2.248&solarradiation=50.65&uv=0
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: raw 
> data: 
> PASSKEY=B49D741DD8D21E1D5B657ADE7C3A9D91&stationtype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2&dateutc=2019-05-22+06:04:39&tempinf=72.7&humidityin=54&baromrelin=30.30&baromabsin=29.69&tempf=70.9&humidity=40&winddir=17&windspeedmph=2.7&windspdmph_avg10m=0.0&windgustmph=3.4&maxdailygust=6.9&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.000&monthlyrainin=
> 1.346&yearlyrainin=2.248&solarradiation=50.65&uv=0
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> using rain_total 2.248 from yearlyrainin
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter eventrainin=0.000
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter baromrelin=30.30
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter maxdailygust=6.9
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter monthlyrainin=1.346
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter PASSKEY=
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter humidityin=54
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter rainratein=0.000
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter windspdmph_avg10m=0.0
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter hourlyrainin=0.000
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter baromabsin=29.69
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter tempinf=72.7
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter uv=0
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter stationtype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2
> May 22 16:04:39 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[2069]: interceptor: MainThread: 
> unrecognized parameter weeklyrainin=0.000
> On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 2:46:57 PM UTC+10, gjr80 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Not an interceptor or ECOWITT HP2551 user but looking at your log1.txt 
>> log extract it appears that your station is sending both rapidfire as well 
>> as normal (non-rapidfire) updates. 
>> Rapid fire:
>> May 22 07:40:02 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[26366]: interceptor: ServerThread: 
>> GET: ID=IVICTORI1768&PASSWORD=XXXX&indoortempf=71.1&tempf=54.3&dewptf=
>> 47.7&windchillf=54.3&indoorhumidity=52&humidity=78&windspeedmph=6.9&
>> windgustmph=8.1&winddir=40&absbaromin=29.73&baromin=30.34&rainin=0.00&
>> dailyrainin=0.00&weeklyrainin=0.00&monthlyrainin=1.35&yearlyrainin=2.25&
>> solarradiation=16.88&UV=0&dateutc=2019-05-21%2021:40:01&softwaretype=
>> EasyWeatherV1.3.2&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5
>> normal:
>> May 22 07:40:18 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[26366]: interceptor: ServerThread: 
>> POST: PASSKEY=XXXX&stationtype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2&dateutc=2019-05-21+21:40
>> :17&tempinf=71.4&humidityin=52&baromrelin=30.34&baromabsin=29.73&tempf=
>> 54.3&humidity=78&winddir=18&windspeedmph=5.4&windspdmph_avg10m=0.0&
>> windgustmph=6.9&maxdailygust=15.9&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&
>> hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.000&monthlyrainin=
>> 1.346&yearlyrainin=2.248&solarradiation=16.02&uv=0
>> This really shouldn't be an issue but if you have a look at the number of 
>> decimal places used for each rain related observation in each you will see 
>> the RF updates use 2 decimal places and the normal updates 3 decimal 
>> places. Consequently, when you have normal after a RF you get a rain 
>> counter wraparound detected and your rainfall has the wrapped around figure 
>> added. If you have RF after normal you get 0.002 inches added. RF after RF 
>> has no effect as both yearly rain fields are identical. I don't think using 
>> any of the other rain fields will make a difference because the same 
>> decimal places difference exist with both. 
>> Maybe less than ideal but can you turn off RF updates on your station, 
>> that would at last show if that cures the issue or not. If so, maybe the 
>> solution is to get the interceptor driver to ignore either the RF updates 
>> or the normal updates. Not sure whether it can or not, probably one for 
>> Matthew the author.
>> Gary
>> On Wednesday, 22 May 2019 14:13:03 UTC+10, Joe Santas wrote:
>>> Cleared the settings on the weatherstation.  Same issue again.  
>>> Obviously something else is going on.  Also tried shutting down the weather 
>>> station and deleting the weewx.sdb file so it re creates a new one but no 
>>> joy so far.
>>> I have attached the latest copy of the log.
>>> Regards
>>> On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 2:22:50 AM UTC+10, Gábor Szabados wrote:
>>>> Sounds like a plan. Let me know once you have done it.
>>>> Interceptor should receive only the wu messages, then it should not 
>>>> have any issue.
>>>> Gabor
>>>> Joe Santas <joes...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. máj. 21., Ke 
>>>> 17:41):
>>>>> From what i have read they specify just the tcp to port 80 which i 
>>>>> already have in place.  What i will do is deactivate the upload features 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> the weatherstation its self and see if it makes a difference and leave 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> rules i currently have in place and see if this sorts it.
>>>>> Once this is done i will configure weewx config file to push the data 
>>>>> up to wunderground and weathercloud any any other services i use.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 1:35:11 AM UTC+10, Gábor Szabados wrote:
>>>>>> Read about how you can redirect only the traffic to WU servers to 
>>>>>> your weewx server then you will be ok.
>>>>>> I've seen some Merlin router firmware descriptions how it can be 
>>>>>> done. Or DD-WRT descriptions are around the net too.
>>>>>> Gabor
>>>>>> Joe Santas <joes...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. máj. 21., Ke 
>>>>>> 16:22):
>>>>>>> You may be onto something.  So i will have to turn off the non wu 
>>>>>>> servers on the device its self.  Im unable to do this as i am at work 
>>>>>>> but i 
>>>>>>> can reconfigure my router remotely to route the correct traffic. I can 
>>>>>>> try 
>>>>>>> this from work.  Which protocol should i leave active?  At the moment i 
>>>>>>> am 
>>>>>>> forwarding all tcp traffic to my weewx server from the weather station.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 12:13:36 AM UTC+10, Gábor Szabados 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I can see more issues there, because I faced a similar one before.
>>>>>>>> One of your issues, maybe the main one, that your weather station 
>>>>>>>> is sending reports to multiple servers and all of them ia redirected 
>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>> your weewx. Interceptor tries to parse all the messages and faces a 
>>>>>>>> mixed 
>>>>>>>> state with yearlyrainin and dailyrainin and some rounding issues.
>>>>>>>> First try to turn off the reporting to the non-wu servers. Or set 
>>>>>>>> your router to forward only the wu request to your weewx. Then the 
>>>>>>>> interceptor will recieve and parse only one kind of messages.
>>>>>>>> Gabor
>>>>>>>> Joe Santas <joes...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. máj. 21., 
>>>>>>>> Ke 15:52):
>>>>>>>>> wraparound detected in this log.
>>>>>>>>> After clearing the database rainfall graph has started to populate 
>>>>>>>>> once again even though no rain lol.
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 5:12:03 PM UTC+10, Gábor Szabados 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>>>>>>>> Could you try to look for messages in the log, like interceptor: 
>>>>>>>>>> MainThread: rain counter wraparound detected:
>>>>>>>>>> I can see a rounding issue (maybe) at the yearly rain is once 
>>>>>>>>>> 2.248 the then 2.25, when no weekly rain change.
>>>>>>>>>> May 21 02:53:17 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[7192]: interceptor: 
>>>>>>>>>> MainThread: raw data: 
>>>>>>>>>> PASSKEY=********************&stationtype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2&dateutc=2019-05-20+16:53:05&tempinf=65.8&humidityin=60&baromrelin=30.14&baromabsin=29.54&tempf=55.4&humidity=77&winddir=16&windspeedmph=2.9&windspdmph_avg10m=0.0&windgustmph=3.4&maxdailygust=8.1&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.000&monthlyrainin=1.346&yearlyrainin=2.248&solarradiation=0.00&uv=0
>>>>>>>>>> May 21 02:53:22 UBUNTUMATE-1000H weewx[7192]: interceptor: 
>>>>>>>>>> ServerThread: GET: 
>>>>>>>>>> ID=*********&PASSWORD=****&indoortempf=65.8&tempf=55.4&dewptf=48.4&windchillf=55.4&indoorhumidity=60&humidity=77&windspeedmph=2.9&windgustmph=3.4&winddir=16&absbaromin=29.54&baromin=30.14&rainin=0.00&dailyrainin=0.00&weeklyrainin=0.00&monthlyrainin=1.35&yearlyrainin=2.25&solarradiation=0.00&UV=0&dateutc=2019-05-20%2016:53:21&softwaretype=EasyWeatherV1.3.2&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5
>>>>>>>>>> Look for wraparound events and check on your console too what is 
>>>>>>>>>> your yearly value. Try to find places where the yearlyrainin changes 
>>>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>>>> where it calculates rain from the change then I can try to find you 
>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>> logic what goes wrong. Look for dateutc values too, is it 
>>>>>>>>>> incremental or 
>>>>>>>>>> changes back time to time when wraparound happens, if happens.
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Gabor
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