weewx.conf.yyyymmddHHMMSS is a backup of weewx.conf made when an install 
happened at yyyymmddHHMMSS(the installer always backs up weewx.conf 
irrespective of what you tell the installer to do/use). weewx.conf should be 
the post install config file, whether it is based on your existing 
pre-install/upgrade weewx.conf or the package weewx.conf depends on what 
options you chose during the install/upgrade.

The easiest way to tell what is going on is to look at the log. Unfortunately 
the log extract you provided was truncated so we could not see the startup. Go 
back to the log and read through from when you started WeeWX. The log will tell 
you exactly what weewx.conf was used and that is the file you must update.


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