Hi All,

First post.

I got Weewx set up on a brand new Raspberry Pi 3 model B yesterday.  I saw 
that it was posting data but last night most of the data was incorrect 
(e.g. outside temp 0 degrees C when it was actually 10 degrees).  I decided 
to leave it and went to bed.  Today I am seeing better values but all 
readings appear to be summing/appending to the previous reading.  For 
example, the temperature has risen from 0 to around 21 degrees very 
uniformly.  The actual temperature is around 13 degrees.

I have an Aercus station, identical to Fine Offset HP1000.  I have set 
Weewx driver to both 'simulator' and 'Fine Offset' with no change in data.

I read somewhere about an HP1000 driver written by aussie susan but editing 
the daemon file was beyond my capabilities so I couldn't proceed with it.

My station can be seen at: https://www.pwsweather.com/obs/ILITTLEW9.html#

I appreciate that I will need to provide logs etc, but I am work at the 
moment and will upload logs later.  I just wanted to get the post up to see 
if anyone had experienced anything similar or has any advice for a newbie.

I love the functionality of weewx and look forward to using it.

Many thanks in advance.


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