
It should be dailyrainindelta.

Best Regards,


Gábor Szabados <> ezt írta (időpont: 2019.
dec. 15., Vas 7:00):

> Hi Glenn,
> I would uses the dailyrainin. I had an issue once during a storm, when a
> power outage occurred, that the internal unit forgot the yearlyrainin value
> and set it back not to 0 but some earlier state of the week/month. I could
> work, but if the two packets has different values that can cause different
> issues, similar what I have explained before.
> Probably your best solution is to turn off one of your services in the
> weather station. (WU or Ambient) Do a run for a short time and see what
> happens then when you do the same test.
> Or you can send a mail to the guy who developed ATMOCOM, asking what is
> the solution for this problem. It really should interpret only one of the
> packets and not both. Probaly WU is the better choice.
> Best Regards,
> Gabor Szabados
> Glenn Szlagowski <> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. dec.
> 15., Vas 4:43):
>> Success!
>> Thanks for your help-greatly appreciated!
>> There are two types of packets..looks like one goes to ambient weather
>> and the other one goes to WU. Interestingly only every fourth packet goes
>> to ambient.
>> Note that the ambient packet contains extra fields.
>> Here are some samples (sans passwords):
>> Dec 14 21:54:54 glenn weewx[5373]: atmocomudp: MainThread: raw packet:
>> ('passkey=xxxxxx&rev=0x2E708&data=/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?ID=ITEHKUMM2&PASSWORD=xxxxxx&indoortempf=70.5&tempf=32.0&dewptf=29.7&windchillf=32.0&indoorhumidity=50&humidity=91&windspeedmph=1.3&windgustmph=2.2&winddir=210&absbaromin=28.84&baromin=29.50&rainin=0.00&dailyrainin=0.04&weeklyrainin=1.24&monthlyrainin=1.32&yearlyrainin=38.87&solarradiation=0.00&UV=0&dateutc=2019-12-15%202:54:44&softwaretype=AMBWeatherV4.0.2&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5
>> ', ('', 12000))
>> Dec 14 21:55:33 glenn weewx[5373]: atmocomudp: MainThread: raw packet:
>> ('passkey=xxxxxx&rev=0x2E708&data=/endpoint?stationtype=AMBWeatherV4.0.2&PASSKEY=xxxxxx&dateutc=2019-12-15+02:55:32&winddir=330&windspeedmph=1.3&windgustmph=2.2&maxdailygust=11.4&tempf=32.0&hourlyrainin=0.00&eventrainin=0.04&dailyrainin=0.04&weeklyrainin=1.24&monthlyrainin=1.32&yearlyrainin=38.87&baromrelin=29.51&baromabsin=28.85&humidity=92&tempinf=70.5&humidityin=50&uv=0&solarradiation=0.00
>> ', ('', 12000))
>> If I change the ATMOCOM sensor mapping to dailyrainin, would that work?
>> ---
>> On Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 7:17:57 PM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
>>> Glenn,
>>> Ok, I see the raw packet issue (should have seen it before actually).
>>> Are you up for making a slight change to If so first make a
>>> backup copy of /usr/share/weewx/user/ then open
>>> /usr/share/weewx/user/ in a text editor and change line 283
>>> from:
>>> loginf('raw packet: %s' % m)
>>> to
>>> loginf('raw packet: %s' % (m,))
>>> Save, set log_raw_packets = True in weeewx.conf and
>>> restart WeeWX. Check your log.
>>> Gary
>>> --
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