Hi Bob, ahoj Jardo,

I am apologize for the delay with the testing promised, had to go out for 
business, have tested the driver just partially. I managed to connect just 
one of the external sensors I have and now I can see its output in csv file 
(https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/csv), both temperature and humidity 
values are there. On the default screen there is no external sensors 
graphs, I did not search how to add them, use just the csv output. Anyway, 
I should be home tomorrow, will finish the testing of both sensors together 
in all 7 channels possible, one by one, and let you know.

Attaching the current csv file with the one external sensor connected in 

Thanks again for the driver & have a nice day.


Dne pondělí 27. dubna 2020 23:32:30 UTC+2 Pavel Pavlik napsal(a):
> Hi Bob,
> Thanks a lot for the good news :-)
> I will test it with the extra sensors and let you know. I have two 
> sensors, the sensors can be set as ch1-7 by an internal switch so I can 
> test all the channels, one by one.
> Have a nice day.
> Pavel
> Dne pondělí 27. dubna 2020 21:54:36 UTC+2 Bob Atchley napsal(a):
>> Hi Pavel,
>> The 0.2 release of the WS6in1 driver is now available.
>> As stated I don't have an additional sensor to test the decode of the 
>> extra sensors, so please let me know how you get on
>> Good luck
>> Bob

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# dateTime,UV,altimeter,appTemp,barometer,cloudbase,dayRain,dewpoint,extraHumid1,extraHumid2,extraHumid3,extraHumid4,extraHumid5,extraHumid6,extraHumid7,extraTemp1,extraTemp2,extraTemp3,extraTemp4,extraTemp5,extraTemp6,extraTemp7,heatindex,hourRain,humidex,inDewpoint,inHumidity,inTemp,maxSolarRad,outHumidity,outTemp,pressure,rain,rainRate,usUnits,windDir,windGust,windGustDir,windSpeed,windchill
2020-05-02 21:23:57,0,1011.89984,6.43839890987,1009.0,578.976608965,0.254,5.2,41,None,None,None,None,None,None,20.7,None,None,None,None,None,None,7.5,0.2032,7.5,11.7572863331,51,22.4,None,86,7.5,976.0,0.0,0.2032,16,None,0.0,None,0.0,7.5

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