
A few suggestions. First, don’t reformat and reinstall. From the log it is 
pretty clear that something is causing rtl_433 to fail when run under WeeWX. 
Let’s work through the sdr setup process again to make sure sdr is (still) 
setup correctly. You said when run from the command line thee rtl_433 works, 
can you do that again and post the command entered and the output to the 

Oh, and a couple of things about log extracts, we always say don’t be afraid to 
post more when posting a log extract. Well there is a limit, when I have been 
viewing your log extract it takes five minutes of a scrolling on my iPad to get 
to the latest log (midway though you change from WeeWX 3.9.2 to 4.0.0 so it is 
almost pointless looking at the 3.9.2 entries) by that time I’ve almost lost 
interest. When posting a log extract can you just post a few cycles. This wiki 
entry (!-Posting-to-weewx-user) 
outlines the process to get a good log extract. And please don’t append log 
extracts to one another. Not complaints just trying to make remote debugging a 
little easier where possible, remote debugging is difficult enough as it is.


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