Thanks Neville,

That's interesting and certainly of note. It may be just what we are
looking for.

Stefano Miccoli is the author of pyownet so we are doubly on topic!

The original post is at...
and part of a much longer thread...

To me, the take away is to create the override file as follows...

"/etc/systemd/system/owserver.service.d/override.conf is an override
file, that you create with"
sudo systemctl edit owserver.service

and include the following content...

# /etc/systemd/system/owserver.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/owserver -c /etc/owfs.conf --foreground


For context, read the full post at the above link.

I'll add...
We will continue to run owserver as root (skipping his point #1) and
will perform points #2 and #3 by creating the file as he has outlined

I'll add the above to the install notes, and wiki when I get a moment.

On 27/05/2020, Neville Davis <> wrote:
> Guys I too have been following, I am now running pythonv3 weewxv4 with
> 1wire rain, my solution is different and messy but seems to work for me,
> But while trying to sort out my problem found a report about problems with
> owserver on Pi using buster....github miccoli in the config file edit
> owserver.service ExecStart=/user/bin/owserver -c /etc/OWFS,conf
> —foreground, Apparently on the OWFS developer mailing list this is
> discussed. My system is working without the foreground option apparently
> the problem is intermittent.
> Don’t know if this is related to your problem though
> On Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 9:16:24 PM UTC+10, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
>> On 26/05/2020, Messy Potamia < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> >
>> > *I'm following this because one of my weewx stations rely heavily on OW
>> >
>> > sensors to augment the data from my Davis Vantage pro2. *
>> > *I'd upgrade to weewx 4.x but really can't lose owfs operability*.
>> > Thx/mp
>> By weewx4 I assume you mean python3 and weewx4?
>> What are the sensors? Just temperature or...?
>> You shouldn't lose anything. The driver does work with weewx4 and python3
>> I have it running with 4.0.b18 which was the last version? before the
>> final release of weewx4.
>> If you know your sensor_map and sensor_type then you are halfway
>> there. Nothings changed in that respect.
>> The biggest hurdle seems to be getting owserver to behave. You could
>> try installing that now and when it runs okay then you'll be set.
>> There may be an interruption if your existing (with python-ow
>> I assume) and owserver both point to the busmaster device and attempt
>> a query at the same time (Gaz's was /dev/i2c-1, mine is the USB
>> dongle). It may just simply block on access, or segfault but a restart
>> of either service will fix that, nothing should break.
>> When it comes to restarting services (keeping in mind that I use SysV
>> eg: /etc/init.d/weewx) I no longer use restart. I actually stop them
>> first (regardless of their state) then start them. I have more success
>> that way, probably gives them a chance to regain state.
>> If you do much the same as Gaz but stick with python2.7 then you can
>> test it all before making the big shift to weewx4 running under
>> python3
>> --
>> Cheers
>>  Glenn
>> rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons
> --
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