Just reread are you looking for my sensor data collection file (it collects 
the data from my i2C BMP085) this is done as a service, it gets all my data 
creates a csv file in ram which I then read with the piweather Driver in 
On my new install (from scratch) Adafruit_Python_BMP, Adafruit_Python_GPIO, 
Adafruit_Python_ADS1X15 packages were installed on mi Pi3 and a BMP085 
software from Tony DiCola (2014) I can’t remember if I had to make changes 
in it years ago but it run without fault under python3. I had a small test 
file for this and it failed because of print statements syntax which I 
corrected...in fact all my python scripts Iused under python 2 worked only 
my test files need to be edited (print statements).


On Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 4:54:37 PM UTC+10, Gazza wrote:
> Hi Neville,
> Do you know if the pyweather driver can be used as service not a driver ?
> I only need the barometer bit but as you have confirmed it it working with 
> python3 it might be a better way to go than the other i2c solution.
> Gaz

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