
I am a new owner of a vantage 2 station and future user of weewx. I 
discovered that there are lots of different data loggers. Not easy to find 
your way around at the start. I’m trying a summary that might interest 
other new weewx users.
I haven't made up my mind yet. perhaps the "meteostick"

*The meteo-pi*
Farbicated by https://wifilogger.net/where.html  

Advantage 1: equipped with a RTCmodule 
disadvantage 1: depends on a Davis console 
disadvantage 2: request to connect to the Davis station with the raspberry 
by a cable, (but allows to supply the Davis console with electricity, 
therefore replaces the power cable of the Davis console) 

English seller = £ 89 (
USA seller = 89 € ( 

*WiFi Logger v2 *
Farbicated by https://wifilogger.net/where.html  

Advantage: in wifi so no cable between the Davis console and the raspberry 
disadvantage 1: depends on a Davis console 
disadvantage 2: I am not sure that communication with weewx is possible (no 
user seen having tested and validated the feasibility) 

English seller 
<https://shop.weatherstations.co.uk/wifi-logger-v2-1752-p.asp>= £ 149 (
USA seller 
€ (

Made by https://www.smartbedded.com/wiki/index.php/Meteostick 
Manual: https://www.smartbedded.com/files/manual-en.pdf 

Advantage 1: independent of a Davis console 

Advantage 2: driver validated by weewx 
disadvantage 1: not autonomous to put information independently on the 
Internet (if the raspberry crashes for example) 

Dutch seller 
€ (
Swiss seller = 209 CHF (https://meteobridge.shop/meteostick_1)

*The meteobrige*made by https://wiki.meteobridge.com/wiki/index.php/Home

Advantage: autonomous to update a large number of weather site and offers 
interesting features
disadvantage 1: depends on a Davis console
disadvantage 2: I am not sure that communication with weewx is possible (no 
user seen having tested and validated the feasibility)
disadvantage 3: I understand there is a license to pay

English seller 
<https://shop.weatherstations.co.uk/meteobridge-nano-1771-p.asp>= £ 205 (
There is also the Meteobridge Nano SD = £ 279 (

*and many other solutions:*

   - Davis WeatherLink = £ 225 (
   - Davis data-logger in USB or serial = £ 169 or £ 69 (
   - Meteobridge pro = £ 359 (
   - airbridge-receiver wifi =  $ 290 (

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