I did what you suggested (settings where fine to begin with) but still 
getting 20min discrepancies which are not explained by the loss of accuracy 
on the lon/lat.

Wondering what to try next.

On Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 6:44:53 AM UTC-4, gjr80 wrote:
> No problems, it's just that sunrise/sunset can come from up to three 
> different sources and you need to to know which source is the problem in 
> order to troubleshoot.
> You are right that the sunrise/sunset in loop packets comes from the 
> console.  So in this case pyephem does not come into play nor does the 
> lat/long settings in weewx.conf. You need to check/set the lat/long 
> settings in your console, either via the console buttons or through use of 
> the wee_device <http://weewx.com/docs/hardware.htm#vantage_notes> utility 
> (note the if using wee_device you need to stop WeeWX first). From memory 
> the console (via buttons or wee_device) accepts decimal degrees with a max 
> resolution of 0.1 degree. Not sure a 0.1 degree resolution should result in 
> an inaccuracy of 20+ minutes though. 
> Gary
> On Tuesday, 30 June 2020 20:19:21 UTC+10, Constantine Samaklis wrote:
>> My bad, I should have been more thorough with details. I was under the 
>> impression that the sunrise/sunset times were provided directly by the 
>> Davis console and not calculated.
>> The values I am getting are coming from the LOOP when running weewxd
>> LOOP:   2020-06-30 06:07:56 EDT (1593511676) altimeter: 
>> 29.887106231687923, barometer: 29.88, cloudbase: 1238.2237428350452, 
>> consBatteryVoltage: 3.75, dateTime: 1593511676, dayET: 0.0, dayRain: 0.0, 
>> dewpoint: 64.5434155315258, extraAlarm1: 0, extraAlarm2: 0, extraAlarm3: 0, 
>> extraAlarm4: 0, extraAlarm5: 0, extraAlarm6: 0, extraAlarm7: 0, 
>> extraAlarm8: 0, forecastIcon: 6, forecastRule: 45, heatindex: 69.6, 
>> inDewpoint: 45.1326136300073, inHumidity: 53.0, insideAlarm: 0, inTemp: 
>> 62.5, leafWet4: 0.0, monthET: 0.0, monthRain: 1.89, outHumidity: 84.0, 
>> outsideAlarm1: 0, outsideAlarm2: 0, outTemp: 69.6, pressure: 
>> 29.788405301826174, rain: 0.0, rainAlarm: 0, rainRate: 0.0, soilLeafAlarm1: 
>> 0, soilLeafAlarm2: 0, soilLeafAlarm3: 0, soilLeafAlarm4: 0, stormRain: 0.0, 
>> sunrise: 1593510480.0, sunset: 1593564480.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, 
>> usUnits: 1, windchill: 69.6, windDir: None, windGust: 0.0, windGustDir: 
>> None, windSpeed: 0.0, windSpeed10: 1.0, yearET: 0.0, yearRain: 14.08
>> I do have the following version of ephem: python3-ephem                   
>> Weewx is running on Python 3.7 
>>     # Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
>>     latitude = 40.624573
>>     longitude = -74.012931
>> On Monday, June 29, 2020 at 10:23:36 PM UTC-4, gjr80 wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think we need to sort the apples from the oranges and bananas. Exactly 
>>> what are you showing us? Is that the sunrise/sunset times as displayed on 
>>> the console or as displayed in loop packet/archive record or as returned by 
>>> a tag in a report? What latitude/longitude do you have set in your console 
>>> and in weewx.conf? Do you have pyephem installed for the version of 
>>> python that WeeWX is being run under?
>>> Sorry for the questions, but it's a bit like the 'pressures'; there are 
>>> a number of moving parts to this and unless you know exactly what is being 
>>> looked at it is hard to give a meaningful answer.
>>> Gary
>>> On Tuesday, 30 June 2020 11:16:33 UTC+10, Constantine Samaklis wrote:
>>>> Wondering if anyone is having the same issue. In the last 3-4 days my 
>>>> Vantage pro is showing the wrong sunrise and sunset times. I am in NY and 
>>>> the console is set to EST daylight savings and the current time value is 
>>>> displayed correctly. 
>>>> For sunset I get: 1593478080, which is 8:48PM EST and for sunrise I 
>>>> get: 1593424080 which is 5:48am EST.
>>>> These timings are off by 20+ minutes. Not sure if this is something 
>>>> that anyone else is experiencing. 

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