
the path was wrong, you were right all the time. 
The loop-data.txt must be placed into the weatherboard html dir! 
Now found the java console in Safari and it gives me the error with the 
wrong path!
Now it updates and runs fine! 
Would be nice to add the live functionality in any skin but I fear there 
must be added some Java code....
Maybe a future project! 

Thanks for you help! 
Now enjoying the new skin with live data! :-)


Christian schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 21:07:22 UTC+2:

> ok...last post for now...maybe this is the problem, see screenshot...
> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:54:42 
> UTC+2:
>> ...and the error form the browser after changes as screenshot....
>> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:49:18 
>> UTC+2:
>>> Ok, 
>>> cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt 
>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594838795, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": 
>>> "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,9\u00b0C", 
>>> "current.outTemp": "16,7\u00b0C", "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", 
>>> "current.windSpeed": "3,2 km/h", "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", 
>>> "10m.windGust.max": "8,0 km/h", "current.windSpeed.raw": 3.218688}
>>> (with missing "current.windSpeed.raw")
>>> ....
>>> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:39:01 
>>> UTC+2:
>>>> John,
>>>> strange...maybe I really should delete anything and start from scratch?
>>>> But before one more try.. I'm sure the loopdata is made, see some 'cat' 
>>>> of the file:
>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>> 1594836959, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 
>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,2 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "3,2 km/h", 
>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}*
>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>> 1594836976, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NNW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 
>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "8,0 km/h", 
>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}*
>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>> 1594836979, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NNW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 
>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", 
>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}*
>>>> * cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>> 1594836981, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NNW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 
>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", 
>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"} *
>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>> 1594836985, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 
>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "4,8 km/h", 
>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}# *
>>>> What I think is a little bit strange, a: 
>>>> *tail -f /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt *
>>>> doesn't show any changes after two seconds? Is there some caching....I 
>>>> dont use the rsync.... Anyway...
>>>> '
>>>> by the way, I sometimes see floats at the time value like 
>>>> "current.dateTime.raw": 1594837199.0..? 
>>>> Yes, I added this 
>>>> *report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport, 
>>>> user.loopdata.LoopData*
>>>> and if I turn on debug=1 I see the file is written every loop.
>>>> a 
>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt*:
>>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594837649, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": 
>>>> "N", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 mm", "current.dewpoint": "9,0\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.outTemp": "16,8\u00b0C", "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", 
>>>> "current.windSpeed": "4,8 km/h", "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", 
>>>> "10m.windGust.max": "11,3 km/h"}
>>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594837577, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": 
>>>> "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 mm", "current.dewpoint": "9,1\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.outTemp": "16,9\u00b0C", "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", 
>>>> "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", 
>>>> "10m.windGust.max": "11,3 km/h"}
>>>> a* ls -laht /var/www/html/weewx/weatherboard*
>>>> drwxr-xr-x 12 www-data www-data 4,0K Jul 15 20:28 ..
>>>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root     root     4,0K Jul 15 20:27 .
>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root     root      12K Jul 15 20:27 index.html
>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root     root     1,7K Jul 15 19:41 weatherboard.css
>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root     root     3,5K Jul 15 19:41 favicon.ico
>>>> So I'm not familiar with .js, I hope I opened the right one in my FF 
>>>> browser. Never did anything with JavaScript! :-O  But I got some errors, 
>>>> see attached screenshot. 
>>>> Thanks for your patience!
>>>> Maybe something is blocked by Apache2 (I host the site by myself)....
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Christian 
>>>> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:12:27 
>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>> wee_extension should not have been using python2 if you did a python3 
>>>>> install of weewx; but let’s put that aside.
>>>>> Of course, you should care that WeatherBoard is not updating on every 
>>>>> loop cycle, that’s the whole point of it.
>>>>> I might be better if you deleted all you have done manually and do a 
>>>>> proper install, but let’s try to work with what you have.
>>>>> Are you sure loop-data.txt is being generated?
>>>>> If in weewx.conf, under [Engine][[Services]], on the report_services 
>>>>> line, do you see user.loopdata.LoopData?
>>>>> Would you send me a copy of /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt?
>>>>> Would you send me a directory listing of /var/www/html/weewx/
>>>>> weatherboard?
>>>>> Lastly, from your browser, would you bring up the JavaScript console 
>>>>> and tell me the error(s) you see?
>>>>> On Jul 15, 2020, at 10:53 AM, 'Christian Peters' via weewx-user <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> John,
>>>>> I struggeld installing the extension. I got:
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/wee_extension", line 13, in <module>
>>>>>     import weecfg.extension
>>>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/", line 22, in <module>
>>>>>     import configobj
>>>>> ImportError: No module named configobj
>>>>> ..but the module was installed! 
>>>>> I then figured out that wee_extension uses python2 but not python3 so 
>>>>> the module was missing in python 2!  ;-)
>>>>> I treid to gove Python3 a try with weewx this time as I reinstalled it!
>>>>> I changed in we_extension the first line to 
>>>>> #!/usr/bin/env python3
>>>>> and it works. 
>>>>> But first I installed the loop-data exxtension by hand...but I think 
>>>>> all is in the right place as the loop-data.txt is build.
>>>>> The WeatherBoardReport section in weewx.conf:
>>>>>     [[WeatherBoardReport]]
>>>>>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/weatherboard
>>>>>         enable = true
>>>>>         skin = WeatherBoard
>>>>>         [[[Extras]]]
>>>>>             meta_title = Live-Wetter Langenseifen, Hessen  Weather at 
>>>>> a Glance WeatherBoard&trade;
>>>>>             title = Live-Wetter Langenseifen Hessen WeatherBoard&trade
>>>>> ;
>>>>>             subtitle = Fortlaufend aktualisiert.
>>>>>             logo = ""
>>>>>             loop_data_file = ../loop-data.txt
>>>>>             contact_email = ""
>>>>>             expiration_time = 4
>>>>>             page_update_pwd = foobar
>>>>>             googleAnalyticsId = ""
>>>>>             analytics_host = ""
>>>>>             show_purple = False
>>>>>         [[[Labels]]]
>>>>>             [[[[Generic]]]]
>>>>>                 air_quality_index = Air Quality Index
>>>>>                 contact = Kontakt
>>>>>                 legend = Legende
>>>>>                 rain_today = Regen heute
>>>>>                 ten_min_max_gust = 10min Boee
>>>>>                 time_of_day = Uhrzeit
>>>>>                 high_gust_today = Booe max.
>>>>>         [[[Units]]]
>>>>>             [[[[StringFormats]]]]
>>>>>                 mile_per_hour = %.1f
>>>>>                 degree_C = %.1f
>>>>>                 km_per_hour = %.1f
>>>>>                 degree_F = %.1f
>>>>> This section I added at the end of weewx.conf by hand:
>>>>> # 
>>>>> ====================================================================================
>>>>> # Options for extension 'weewx-loopdata'
>>>>> [LoopData]
>>>>>     [[FileSpec]]
>>>>>         loop_data_dir = /var/www/html/weewx
>>>>>         filename = loop-data.txt
>>>>>     [[Formatting]]
>>>>>         target_report = WeatherBoardReport
>>>>>     [[RsyncSpec]]
>>>>>         enable = false
>>>>>         remote_server =
>>>>>         remote_user = root
>>>>>         remote_dir = /var/www/html
>>>>>         compress = False
>>>>>         log_success = False
>>>>>         ssh_options = -o ConnectTimeout=1
>>>>>         timeout = 1
>>>>>         skip_if_older_than = 3
>>>>>     [[Include]]
>>>>>         fields = current.dateTime.raw, current.windDir.ordinal_compass
>>>>> , day.rain.sum, current.dewpoint, current.outTemp, current.rainRate, 
>>>>> current.windSpeed, day.windGust.max, 10m.windGust.max, current.
>>>>> windSpeed
>>>>> But there is even a skin.conf at /etc/weew/skinWeatherboard/ ...
>>>>> # Copyright (C)2020 by John A Kline (
>>>>> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPLv3)
>>>>> # See LICENSE for your rights.
>>>>> [Extras]
>>>>>     # Fill path of loop data file.  If not a full path,
>>>>>     # it will be interpreted as relative to this skin's HTML_ROOT.
>>>>>     loop_data_file = '../loop-data.txt'
>>>>>     # Refresh rate is the rate at which the report should refresh with
>>>>>     # the latest readings.  A good choice is the rate at which your
>>>>>     # weather stations driver is feeing loop data.  Expressed in units
>>>>>     # of seconds.  Default: 2 seconds.
>>>>>     refresh_rate = 2
>>>>>     # Fill in a sutiable title/subtitle for the report.
>>>>>     title = ' WeatherBoard&trade;'
>>>>>     subtitle = 'Updated continuously.'
>>>>>     # If you have a log, specify it here.
>>>>>     logo = ''
>>>>>     # Fill in contact email to display on the report.
>>>>>     contact_email = ''
>>>>>     # Choose your own password.  without ?page_update_pwd='xxx'
>>>>>     # at the end of the URL, auto updating will timeout.
>>>>>     # Note: This password will be viaible to users looking
>>>>>     # at page source in their browser.
>>>>>     page_update_pwd = 'foobar'
>>>>>     # Page expiration time is the number of hours the report will 
>>>>> request
>>>>>     # loop data and update.  After which, a mouse clice will be needed
>>>>>     # to start refreshing again.  Default 4 hours.
>>>>>     expiration_time = 4
>>>>>     # If you have a google analytics id, uncomment the following line
>>>>>     # and fill in the ID.
>>>>>     # googleAnalyticsId =
>>>>>     # If you only want to use the ID on a certain host, uncomment the
>>>>>     # following line and fill in the hostname.
>>>>>     # analytics_host =
>>>>>     # If a PurpleAir sensor is set up and both weewx-purple and
>>>>>     # purple-proxy are installed, or just weewx-purple is installed;
>>>>>     # change the 'False' below to 'True'.
>>>>>     # The weewx-purple extension can be found here:
>>>>>     #
>>>>>     # The purple-proxy server can be found here:
>>>>>     #
>>>>>     # It is preferable to install both weewx-purple and purple proxy
>>>>>     # as the proxy returns averages over the archive period (as
>>>>>     # opposed to one shot readings).
>>>>>     show_purple = False
>>>>> [Labels]
>>>>>     [[Generic]]
>>>>>         # Some specialized labels
>>>>>         air_quality_index = Air Quality Index
>>>>>         contact           = Contact
>>>>>         legend            = Legend
>>>>>         rain_today        = Rain Today
>>>>>         ten_min_max_gust  = 10m Gust
>>>>>         time_of_day       = Time
>>>>>         high_gust_today   = Today's High Gust
>>>>> [CheetahGenerator]
>>>>>     encoding = html_entities
>>>>>     [[ToDate]]
>>>>>         [[[index]]]
>>>>>             template = index.html.tmpl
>>>>> [CopyGenerator]
>>>>>     copy_once = favicon.ico, weatherboard.css
>>>>>     copy_always = ,
>>>>> [Generators]
>>>>>         generator_list = weewx.cheetahgenerator.CheetahGenerator, 
>>>>> weewx.reportengine.CopyGenerator
>>>>> Do I have to care about!? 
>>>>> The WeatherBoard site seems to update with the interval given in weewx 
>>>>> (here 1min)....but the JS seems not to work?
>>>>> It's starnge too that there are some obersavervations missing and the 
>>>>> time not catched and printed on the WB site...but Temp is changein (all 
>>>>> 1min while refreshing)?
>>>>> Hope you could figure something out of my setting!?
>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>> Christian 
>>>>> Am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 16:11:06 UTC+2 schrieb John Kline:
>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>> Please let me know what was tricky about installing loop-data.
>>>>>> Since you are getting loop-data, I suspect that the LoopData 
>>>>>> extension and the WeatherBoard extension don’t agree about where to find 
>>>>>> the loop-data.txt file.
>>>>>> Would you send both the LoopData section and the WeatherBoard section 
>>>>>> of weewx.conf?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> On Jul 15, 2020, at 5:16 AM, 'Christian Peters' via weewx-user <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> John,
>>>>>> I just installed the loop-data extension and the weatherboard skin to 
>>>>>> give it a try. :-) 
>>>>>> A really nice extension. 
>>>>>> It was a bit tricky to install it but I hope loop-data is running. I 
>>>>>> get this 
>>>>>> /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt file with this text:
>>>>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594814866, 
>>>>>> "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "N", "day.rain.sum": "2,6 mm", 
>>>>>> "current.dewpoint": "11,3\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "20,3\u00b0C", 
>>>>>> "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", 
>>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "19,3 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "11,3 km/h"}
>>>>>> It updates every 2 sec, winddir for example it seems to 
>>>>>> work I think. 
>>>>>> What not works it the wartherboard skin. 
>>>>>> It doesn't update (only if I do a manual refresh on the borwser and 
>>>>>> not every time it really refreshes to the most recent values). 
>>>>>> and there is something not working as the time field is missing, even 
>>>>>> 10m.windGust.max and day.windGust.max ... see screenshot.
>>>>>> Am I doing something wrong? I got the most recent .zip files from 
>>>>>> your site (today). But I'm not sure where to tweak the weatherboard skin 
>>>>>> ( 
>>>>>> in weewx.conf or in weatherboard/skin/skin.conf ) ?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance for any idea or hint!
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Christian 
>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> <weatherboard.png>
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>>>> Groups "weewx-user" group.
>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
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