
so maybe a project for the next days to put the loop-data.tx into ram and 
serve it via apache2. 
The WeatherBoard site:

and my main weather site:

The gauges you see on the main site seems to use Javascript so that's why I 
asked...! :-D 
At the moment I just give a fixed value and render the entire site every 
minute...near realtime... ;-) 

But diving into java would be a big task.... not sure I'm ready for 
that....already fighting with Python...! :-D


Christian schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 21:59:47 UTC+2:

> I do not personally regard it as a problem.  Others may have a different 
> opinion.
> It certainly is not necessary to have it on the SSD, but you would have to 
> configure apache2 (or whatever web server you are using), to be able to 
> serve loop-data.txt.
> BTW, is your site visible externally?  If so, would you send a link?
> On Jul 15, 2020, at 12:46 PM, '' via weewx-user <
>> wrote:
> John,
> is this a problem to write the loop-data.txt file every 2sec on a SSD 
> regarding durability!?
> Or would it be better to place it on a ramdisk (tmpfs) like /dev/shm ...
> Regards,
> Christian 
> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 21:35:27 UTC+2:
>> Great news!
>> The purpose of LoopData is to be able to add to any skin, but it does 
>> require knowledge of JavaScript.
>> On Jul 15, 2020, at 12:33 PM, John Kline <> wrote:
>> tail -f loop-data.txt won’t work because a new file is created on every 
>> loop.
>> You can use:
>> watch cat loop-data.txt
>> You screen shots are not of any javascript errors that might be on the 
>> page.
>> Would you send me the following file?
>> /var/www/html/weewx/weatherboard/index.html
>> On Jul 15, 2020, at 12:07 PM, '' via weewx-user <
>>> wrote:
>> ok...last post for now...maybe this is the problem, see screenshot...
>> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:54:42 
>> UTC+2:
>>> ...and the error form the browser after changes as screenshot....
>>> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:49:18 
>>> UTC+2:
>>>> Ok, 
>>>> cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt 
>>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594838795, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": 
>>>> "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,9\u00b0C", 
>>>> "current.outTemp": "16,7\u00b0C", "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", 
>>>> "current.windSpeed": "3,2 km/h", "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", 
>>>> "10m.windGust.max": "8,0 km/h", "current.windSpeed.raw": 3.218688}
>>>> (with missing "current.windSpeed.raw")
>>>> ....
>>>> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:39:01 
>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>> John,
>>>>> strange...maybe I really should delete anything and start from scratch?
>>>>> But before one more try.. I'm sure the loopdata is made, see some 
>>>>> 'cat' of the file:
>>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>>> 1594836959, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 
>>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,2 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "3,2 km/h", 
>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}*
>>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>>> 1594836976, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NNW", "day.rain.sum": 
>>>>> "3,0 
>>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "8,0 km/h", 
>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}*
>>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>>> 1594836979, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NNW", "day.rain.sum": 
>>>>> "3,0 
>>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", 
>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}*
>>>>> * cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>>> 1594836981, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NNW", "day.rain.sum": 
>>>>> "3,0 
>>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", 
>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"} *
>>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt {"current.dateTime.raw": 
>>>>> 1594836985, "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 
>>>>> mm", "current.dewpoint": "8,7\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "17,1\u00b0C", 
>>>>> "current.rainRate": "1,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "4,8 km/h", 
>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "14,5 km/h"}# *
>>>>> What I think is a little bit strange, a: 
>>>>> *tail -f /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt *
>>>>> doesn't show any changes after two seconds? Is there some caching....I 
>>>>> dont use the rsync.... Anyway...
>>>>> '
>>>>> by the way, I sometimes see floats at the time value like 
>>>>> "current.dateTime.raw": 1594837199.0..? 
>>>>> Yes, I added this 
>>>>> *report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport, 
>>>>> user.loopdata.LoopData*
>>>>> and if I turn on debug=1 I see the file is written every loop.
>>>>> a 
>>>>> *cat /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt*:
>>>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594837649, 
>>>>> "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "N", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 mm", 
>>>>> "current.dewpoint": "9,0\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "16,8\u00b0C", 
>>>>> "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "4,8 km/h", 
>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "11,3 km/h"}
>>>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594837577, 
>>>>> "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "NW", "day.rain.sum": "3,0 mm", 
>>>>> "current.dewpoint": "9,1\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "16,9\u00b0C", 
>>>>> "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", 
>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "27,4 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "11,3 km/h"}
>>>>> a* ls -laht /var/www/html/weewx/weatherboard*
>>>>> drwxr-xr-x 12 www-data www-data 4,0K Jul 15 20:28 ..
>>>>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root     root     4,0K Jul 15 20:27 .
>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root     root      12K Jul 15 20:27 index.html
>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root     root     1,7K Jul 15 19:41 weatherboard.css
>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root     root     3,5K Jul 15 19:41 favicon.ico
>>>>> So I'm not familiar with .js, I hope I opened the right one in my FF 
>>>>> browser. Never did anything with JavaScript! :-O  But I got some errors, 
>>>>> see attached screenshot. 
>>>>> Thanks for your patience!
>>>>> Maybe something is blocked by Apache2 (I host the site by myself)....
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Christian 
>>>>> schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 um 20:12:27 
>>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>> wee_extension should not have been using python2 if you did a python3 
>>>>>> install of weewx; but let’s put that aside.
>>>>>> Of course, you should care that WeatherBoard is not updating on every 
>>>>>> loop cycle, that’s the whole point of it.
>>>>>> I might be better if you deleted all you have done manually and do a 
>>>>>> proper install, but let’s try to work with what you have.
>>>>>> Are you sure loop-data.txt is being generated?
>>>>>> If in weewx.conf, under [Engine][[Services]], on the report_services 
>>>>>> line, do you see user.loopdata.LoopData?
>>>>>> Would you send me a copy of /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt?
>>>>>> Would you send me a directory listing of /var/www/html/weewx/
>>>>>> weatherboard?
>>>>>> Lastly, from your browser, would you bring up the JavaScript console 
>>>>>> and tell me the error(s) you see?
>>>>>> On Jul 15, 2020, at 10:53 AM, 'Christian Peters' via weewx-user <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> John,
>>>>>> I struggeld installing the extension. I got:
>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/wee_extension", line 13, in <module>
>>>>>>     import weecfg.extension
>>>>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/", line 22, in <module>
>>>>>>     import configobj
>>>>>> ImportError: No module named configobj
>>>>>> ..but the module was installed! 
>>>>>> I then figured out that wee_extension uses python2 but not python3 so 
>>>>>> the module was missing in python 2!  ;-)
>>>>>> I treid to gove Python3 a try with weewx this time as I reinstalled 
>>>>>> it!
>>>>>> I changed in we_extension the first line to 
>>>>>> #!/usr/bin/env python3
>>>>>> and it works. 
>>>>>> But first I installed the loop-data exxtension by hand...but I think 
>>>>>> all is in the right place as the loop-data.txt is build.
>>>>>> The WeatherBoardReport section in weewx.conf:
>>>>>>     [[WeatherBoardReport]]
>>>>>>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/weatherboard
>>>>>>         enable = true
>>>>>>         skin = WeatherBoard
>>>>>>         [[[Extras]]]
>>>>>>             meta_title = Live-Wetter Langenseifen, Hessen  Weather 
>>>>>> at a Glance WeatherBoard&trade;
>>>>>>             title = Live-Wetter Langenseifen Hessen WeatherBoard&
>>>>>> trade;
>>>>>>             subtitle = Fortlaufend aktualisiert.
>>>>>>             logo = ""
>>>>>>             loop_data_file = ../loop-data.txt
>>>>>>             contact_email = ""
>>>>>>             expiration_time = 4
>>>>>>             page_update_pwd = foobar
>>>>>>             googleAnalyticsId = ""
>>>>>>             analytics_host = ""
>>>>>>             show_purple = False
>>>>>>         [[[Labels]]]
>>>>>>             [[[[Generic]]]]
>>>>>>                 air_quality_index = Air Quality Index
>>>>>>                 contact = Kontakt
>>>>>>                 legend = Legende
>>>>>>                 rain_today = Regen heute
>>>>>>                 ten_min_max_gust = 10min Boee
>>>>>>                 time_of_day = Uhrzeit
>>>>>>                 high_gust_today = Booe max.
>>>>>>         [[[Units]]]
>>>>>>             [[[[StringFormats]]]]
>>>>>>                 mile_per_hour = %.1f
>>>>>>                 degree_C = %.1f
>>>>>>                 km_per_hour = %.1f
>>>>>>                 degree_F = %.1f
>>>>>> This section I added at the end of weewx.conf by hand:
>>>>>> # 
>>>>>> ====================================================================================
>>>>>> # Options for extension 'weewx-loopdata'
>>>>>> [LoopData]
>>>>>>     [[FileSpec]]
>>>>>>         loop_data_dir = /var/www/html/weewx
>>>>>>         filename = loop-data.txt
>>>>>>     [[Formatting]]
>>>>>>         target_report = WeatherBoardReport
>>>>>>     [[RsyncSpec]]
>>>>>>         enable = false
>>>>>>         remote_server =
>>>>>>         remote_user = root
>>>>>>         remote_dir = /var/www/html
>>>>>>         compress = False
>>>>>>         log_success = False
>>>>>>         ssh_options = -o ConnectTimeout=1
>>>>>>         timeout = 1
>>>>>>         skip_if_older_than = 3
>>>>>>     [[Include]]
>>>>>>         fields = current.dateTime.raw, current.windDir.
>>>>>> ordinal_compass, day.rain.sum, current.dewpoint, current.outTemp, 
>>>>>> current.rainRate, current.windSpeed, day.windGust.max, 10m.windGust.
>>>>>> max, current.windSpeed
>>>>>> But there is even a skin.conf at /etc/weew/skinWeatherboard/ ...
>>>>>> # Copyright (C)2020 by John A Kline (
>>>>>> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPLv3)
>>>>>> # See LICENSE for your rights.
>>>>>> [Extras]
>>>>>>     # Fill path of loop data file.  If not a full path,
>>>>>>     # it will be interpreted as relative to this skin's HTML_ROOT.
>>>>>>     loop_data_file = '../loop-data.txt'
>>>>>>     # Refresh rate is the rate at which the report should refresh 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>>     # the latest readings.  A good choice is the rate at which your
>>>>>>     # weather stations driver is feeing loop data.  Expressed in 
>>>>>> units
>>>>>>     # of seconds.  Default: 2 seconds.
>>>>>>     refresh_rate = 2
>>>>>>     # Fill in a sutiable title/subtitle for the report.
>>>>>>     title = ' WeatherBoard&trade;'
>>>>>>     subtitle = 'Updated continuously.'
>>>>>>     # If you have a log, specify it here.
>>>>>>     logo = ''
>>>>>>     # Fill in contact email to display on the report.
>>>>>>     contact_email = ''
>>>>>>     # Choose your own password.  without ?page_update_pwd='xxx'
>>>>>>     # at the end of the URL, auto updating will timeout.
>>>>>>     # Note: This password will be viaible to users looking
>>>>>>     # at page source in their browser.
>>>>>>     page_update_pwd = 'foobar'
>>>>>>     # Page expiration time is the number of hours the report will 
>>>>>> request
>>>>>>     # loop data and update.  After which, a mouse clice will be 
>>>>>> needed
>>>>>>     # to start refreshing again.  Default 4 hours.
>>>>>>     expiration_time = 4
>>>>>>     # If you have a google analytics id, uncomment the following line
>>>>>>     # and fill in the ID.
>>>>>>     # googleAnalyticsId =
>>>>>>     # If you only want to use the ID on a certain host, uncomment the
>>>>>>     # following line and fill in the hostname.
>>>>>>     # analytics_host =
>>>>>>     # If a PurpleAir sensor is set up and both weewx-purple and
>>>>>>     # purple-proxy are installed, or just weewx-purple is installed;
>>>>>>     # change the 'False' below to 'True'.
>>>>>>     # The weewx-purple extension can be found here:
>>>>>>     #
>>>>>>     # The purple-proxy server can be found here:
>>>>>>     #
>>>>>>     # It is preferable to install both weewx-purple and purple proxy
>>>>>>     # as the proxy returns averages over the archive period (as
>>>>>>     # opposed to one shot readings).
>>>>>>     show_purple = False
>>>>>> [Labels]
>>>>>>     [[Generic]]
>>>>>>         # Some specialized labels
>>>>>>         air_quality_index = Air Quality Index
>>>>>>         contact           = Contact
>>>>>>         legend            = Legend
>>>>>>         rain_today        = Rain Today
>>>>>>         ten_min_max_gust  = 10m Gust
>>>>>>         time_of_day       = Time
>>>>>>         high_gust_today   = Today's High Gust
>>>>>> [CheetahGenerator]
>>>>>>     encoding = html_entities
>>>>>>     [[ToDate]]
>>>>>>         [[[index]]]
>>>>>>             template = index.html.tmpl
>>>>>> [CopyGenerator]
>>>>>>     copy_once = favicon.ico, weatherboard.css
>>>>>>     copy_always = ,
>>>>>> [Generators]
>>>>>>         generator_list = weewx.cheetahgenerator.CheetahGenerator, 
>>>>>> weewx.reportengine.CopyGenerator
>>>>>> Do I have to care about!? 
>>>>>> The WeatherBoard site seems to update with the interval given in 
>>>>>> weewx (here 1min)....but the JS seems not to work?
>>>>>> It's starnge too that there are some obersavervations missing and the 
>>>>>> time not catched and printed on the WB site...but Temp is changein (all 
>>>>>> 1min while refreshing)?
>>>>>> Hope you could figure something out of my setting!?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>>> Christian 
>>>>>> Am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020 16:11:06 UTC+2 schrieb John Kline:
>>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>>> Please let me know what was tricky about installing loop-data.
>>>>>>> Since you are getting loop-data, I suspect that the LoopData 
>>>>>>> extension and the WeatherBoard extension don’t agree about where to 
>>>>>>> find 
>>>>>>> the loop-data.txt file.
>>>>>>> Would you send both the LoopData section and the WeatherBoard 
>>>>>>> section of weewx.conf?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> On Jul 15, 2020, at 5:16 AM, 'Christian Peters' via weewx-user <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> John,
>>>>>>> I just installed the loop-data extension and the weatherboard skin 
>>>>>>> to give it a try. :-) 
>>>>>>> A really nice extension. 
>>>>>>> It was a bit tricky to install it but I hope loop-data is running. I 
>>>>>>> get this 
>>>>>>> /var/www/html/weewx/loop-data.txt file with this text:
>>>>>>> {"current.dateTime.raw": 1594814866, 
>>>>>>> "current.windDir.ordinal_compass": "N", "day.rain.sum": "2,6 mm", 
>>>>>>> "current.dewpoint": "11,3\u00b0C", "current.outTemp": "20,3\u00b0C", 
>>>>>>> "current.rainRate": "0,0 mm/h", "current.windSpeed": "6,4 km/h", 
>>>>>>> "day.windGust.max": "19,3 km/h", "10m.windGust.max": "11,3 km/h"}
>>>>>>> It updates every 2 sec, winddir for example it seems 
>>>>>>> to work I think. 
>>>>>>> What not works it the wartherboard skin. 
>>>>>>> It doesn't update (only if I do a manual refresh on the borwser and 
>>>>>>> not every time it really refreshes to the most recent values). 
>>>>>>> and there is something not working as the time field is missing, 
>>>>>>> even 10m.windGust.max and day.windGust.max ... see screenshot.
>>>>>>> Am I doing something wrong? I got the most recent .zip files from 
>>>>>>> your site (today). But I'm not sure where to tweak the weatherboard 
>>>>>>> skin ( 
>>>>>>> in weewx.conf or in weatherboard/skin/skin.conf ) ?
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for any idea or hint!
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Christian 
>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>>> <weatherboard.png>
>>>>>>> -- 
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>> <Bildschirmfoto 2020-07-15 um 21.05.54.png>
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