I hate the new google forum surface!

The link should read:

and for clarification of the missing entries, it is much better to look at 
the Forecast Sampler: Periods

*Periods from Selected Forecast Sources* 

Display specific portions of a forecast, from various forecast sources. 
This illustrates the use of the forecast search list extension. 
*Weather Underground* 

24-Aug-2020 19:00 11,7°C 
25-Aug-2020 07:00 20,6°C 
25-Aug-2020 19:00 14,4°C 
26-Aug-2020 07:00 17,8°C 
26-Aug-2020 19:00 12,8°C 
27-Aug-2020 07:00 18,9°C Considerable Cloudiness

Issued at 24-Aug-2020 09:20 for geocode=54.09,10.26 
To my intension, every line should end with a description, such as 'Mostly 
cloudy'. Well, actually I miss 'Clear', but this is, due to the current 
weather situtation, not an option. 

Vetti52 schrieb am Montag, 24. August 2020 um 11:45:12 UTC+2:

> I found this link for assigning the iconCode entries from the WU json file 
> to the meaning, along with some icons:
> https://www.weather-watch.com/smf/index.php/topic,67656.msg543684.html?PHPSESSID=9cntj0deu62o4c9q6jasslpqph#msg543684
> After update to version b7, there is still only one icon visible, which is 
> on thursday. I guess, this corresponds to number 6 (Considerable 
> Cloudiness). No matter, which of the forecast sampler files I look at.
> Here my actual request:
> cloudCover 
> 0 85
> 1 64
> 2 76
> 3 84
> 4 96
> 5 64
> 6 60
> 7 76
> 8 84
> 9 65
> 10 72
> 11 77
> iconCode 
> 0 11
> 1 29
> 2 11
> 3 12
> 4 12
> 5 11
> 6 30
> 7 45
> 8 11
> 9 11
> 10 11
> 11 11
> wxPhraseShort 
> 0 "Showers"
> 1 "P Cloudy"
> 2 "PM Lgt Rain"
> 3 "Rain"
> 4 "Rain"
> 5 "Rain Early"
> 6 "P Cloudy"
> 7 "Shwrs Late"
> 8 "Showers"
> 9 "Showers"
> 10 "Showers"
> 11 "Showers"
> Am Montag, 24. August 2020 10:18:12 UTC+2 schrieb Vetti52:
>> I was thinking about a graphic demonstration like that in the wiki:
>> https://camo.githubusercontent.com/8b5474131edc812687002ab075ec51e1ddb8bd82/687474703a2f2f6c616e6365742e6d69742e6564752f6d77616c6c2f70726f6a656374732f776561746865722f77656577782d666f7265636173742d7461626c652e706e67
>> where all states are shown. Thus, there is no empty field in the cloud 
>> column at all.
>> Does "pull head" mean just to update to the latest version, 3.4.0b7? 
>> Sorry, but I am dumb....

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