Bumping this post to see if anyone has any suggestions on my the attached 
is failing import.

Thank you in advance.

On Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 11:02:01 PM UTC-4, Andrew M wrote:
> I do appreciate the assistance. Hopefully this will help others in either 
> with what I am doing or identifying a problem with the import process.
> I have attached a copy of one Weather Display log file I am having issues 
> with (82013lg.txt.zip) as well as one I did not have any issues with 
> (52013lg.txt.zip).
> Also attached is output from wee_debug
> I am not seeing any differences in the data between these files that is 
> causing 82013lg.txt to choke.
> ~20 files out of ~400 files had an issue.
> Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
> From running wee_import on 82013lg.txt
> pi@weather:/var/tmp $ wee_import --import-config=/var/tmp/wd.conf 
> --dry-run --verbose
> Using WeeWX configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> Starting wee_import...
> Weather Display monthly log files in the '/var/tmp/WD' directory will be 
> imported
> The following options will be used:
>      config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf, import-config=/var/tmp/wd.conf
>      from=None, to=None
>      dry-run=True, calc_missing=False, ignore_invalid_data=True
>      monthly logs are in US units
>      tranche=300, interval=60
>      UV=True, radiation=True ignore extreme temperature and humidity=True
> Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
> 'roundhillvaw_archive'
> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
> This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
> Starting dry run import ...
> Records covering multiple periods have been identified for import.
> Obtaining raw import data for period 1 ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/wee_import", line 900, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/wee_import", line 830, in main
>     source_obj.run()
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weeimport/weeimport.py", line 368, in run
>     _raw_data = self.getRawData(period)
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weeimport/wdimport.py", line 568, in getRawData
>     for rec in _reader:
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/csv.py", line 112, in __next__
>     row = next(self.reader)
> _csv.Error: line contains NULL byte
> From log file
> pi@weather:~ $ sudo tail -f /var/log/weewx.log
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport: The 
> following options will be used:
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf, import-config=/var/tmp/wd.conf
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> from=None, to=None
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> dry-run=True, calc_missing=False, ignore_invalid_data=True
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> monthly logs are in US units
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> tranche=300, interval=60
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> UV=True, radiation=True ignore extreme temperature and humidity=True
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] INFO weeimport.wdimport: Using 
> database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
> 'roundhillvaw_archive'
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] INFO weeimport.wdimport: 
> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
> Sep  9 22:39:01 weather wee_import[16538] INFO weeimport.weeimport: 
> Obtaining raw import data for period 1 ...
> Sep  9 22:42:24 weather wee_import[16712] INFO __main__: Starting 
> wee_import...
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily 
> summary version is 2.0
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] INFO weeimport.wdimport: Weather 
> Display monthly log files in the '/var/tmp/WD' directory will be imported
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport: The 
> following options will be used:
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf, import-config=/var/tmp/wd.conf
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> from=None, to=None
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> dry-run=True, calc_missing=False, ignore_invalid_data=True
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> monthly logs are in US units
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> tranche=300, interval=60
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> UV=True, radiation=True ignore extreme temperature and humidity=True
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] INFO weeimport.wdimport: Using 
> database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
> 'roundhillvaw_archive'
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] INFO weeimport.wdimport: 
> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
> Sep  9 22:42:30 weather wee_import[16712] INFO weeimport.weeimport: 
> Obtaining raw import data for period 1 ...
> Sep  9 22:42:36 weather wee_import[16714] INFO __main__: Starting 
> wee_import...
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily 
> summary version is 2.0
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] INFO weeimport.wdimport: Weather 
> Display monthly log files in the '/var/tmp/WD' directory will be imported
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport: The 
> following options will be used:
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf, import-config=/var/tmp/wd.conf
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> from=None, to=None
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> dry-run=True, calc_missing=False, ignore_invalid_data=True
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> monthly logs are in US units
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> tranche=300, interval=60
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] DEBUG weeimport.wdimport:      
> UV=True, radiation=True ignore extreme temperature and humidity=True
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] INFO weeimport.wdimport: Using 
> database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
> 'roundhillvaw_archive'
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] INFO weeimport.wdimport: 
> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
> Sep  9 22:42:42 weather wee_import[16714] INFO weeimport.weeimport: 
> Obtaining raw import data for period 1 ...
> On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 7:12:29 PM UTC-4, gjr80 wrote:
>> Didn’t take your post as a complaint, sorry if I came across in a manner 
>> that gave that impression. Just wanted to point out that development of the 
>> WD module was based on a very small sample of data rather than from some 
>> written specification. If the problem was a malformed data file that caused 
>> wee_import to abort we may be able to harden wee_import skip the malformed 
>> lines. If the problem is a new format/structure in the data file that 
>> wee_import rejected then we may need to rework the WD module to handle this 
>> new format/structure.
>> If you want to send any relevant log entries/errors and a copy of a 
>> misbehaving data file by direct email thats fine by me.
>> Gary
>> On Wednesday, 2 September 2020 at 08:15:51 UTC+10 Andrew M wrote:
>>> Please don't take what i have written as a complaint. 
>>> I appreciate all the hard work it took in the creation of WeeWx and all 
>>> the contributors to the forum.
>>> I have not looked at the content of those files it choked on to see if 
>>> it has good data in it. Let me first do that. I will reply back once I have 
>>> done that.
>>> Thank you.
>>> andrew
>>> On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 5:20:30 PM UTC-4 gjr80 wrote:
>>>> If you to provide some details on problems the handful of files 
>>>> experienced I am happy to look at wee_import to see if any changes can be 
>>>> made to improve its handling of such files. The WD import module of 
>>>> wee_import was developed based on a handful of WD log files found on the 
>>>> internet, so it is quite possible there are some corner cases that may 
>>>> cause wee_import to reject a file.
>>>> Gary
>>>> On Wednesday, 2 September 2020 at 07:08:20 UTC+10 Andrew M wrote:
>>>>> After many, many hours the wee-import processed all but a handful 
>>>>> of files. Have several that choked on the import.
>>>>> Ended up with 3,873,678 records.
>>>>> Next I need to validate that the data imported to look for any 
>>>>> potential bad data.
>>>>> On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 7:31:36 PM UTC-4 Andrew M wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you for the response.
>>>>>> I actually changed up how I am going about this. My WD ran on a 
>>>>>> Windows10 box. I had a RaspPi box sitting in a box so i decided to use 
>>>>>> that 
>>>>>> for WeeWx.
>>>>>> I was formatting the hard drive on the Win10 machine when i had the 
>>>>>> thought that I should just put Debian on that and use that for WeeWx. 
>>>>>> Which I did. This machine is a little faster that the RaspPi , so one 
>>>>>> I have other things straight I will use that for the conversion. 
>>>>>> Migrating 
>>>>>> the MySql from WD to the tables that WeeWX has is probably doable, but 
>>>>>> really don't want to sit down and think about it that much. I will just 
>>>>>> let 
>>>>>> the current weather collect on the RaspPi box and then once the import 
>>>>>> is 
>>>>>> done on the now Debian box I can combine the two DB much easier.
>>>>>> I have 60k rows on the MySQL DB with my current webhost, but more 
>>>>>> than that saved external to that on a hard drive from a previous webhost 
>>>>>> that I never moved. 
>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 8:37:29 PM UTC-4 gjr80 wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry can't help you with MySQL to MySQL migration. 
>>>>>>> Regards wee_import though, yes it can be slow. When I wrote the WD 
>>>>>>> import module the WD user who first used it in anger had something like 
>>>>>>> (from memory) 10 years of data to import. The import had to be done in 
>>>>>>> batches (again from memory) of 2-3 years each (wee_import uses 
>>>>>>> transactions on the database but does keep track of duplicate 
>>>>>>> timestamps 
>>>>>>> and a few other things so memory usage does grow as the span of the 
>>>>>>> import 
>>>>>>> grows). I found one email from the user with the results of the first 
>>>>>>> batch 
>>>>>>> import and 1.4 millions records were imported on a Raspberry Pi in 58 
>>>>>>> minutes. Al things considered I find that reasonable.
>>>>>>> There are a couple of things you can do to speed up wee_import. You 
>>>>>>> can tweak a the tranche setting in the import config file, this 
>>>>>>> alters the size of the transactions (in records) that wee_import uses. 
>>>>>>> The 
>>>>>>> default is 250, you could raise this which will result in fewer db 
>>>>>>> transactions but it will likely increase memory usage so you may need 
>>>>>>> to do 
>>>>>>> the import in smaller batches. One other approach if using a slow(ish) 
>>>>>>> RPi 
>>>>>>> as your WeeWX machine is to do just the import on a faster machine and 
>>>>>>> then 
>>>>>>> copy the imported data to the WeeWX RPi. Granted this is simpler when 
>>>>>>> using 
>>>>>>> SQLite but depending on your setup could be adapted for MySQL.
>>>>>>> You say you have 60 000 odd MySQL records, that does not seem like 
>>>>>>> much, how does that correlate with the number of entries in the WD log 
>>>>>>> files?
>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>> On Thursday, 20 August 2020 08:48:46 UTC+10, Andrew M wrote:
>>>>>>>> I started to use the wee_import process to process all my WD log 
>>>>>>>> files to WeeWx MySqlDB, and it was taking a long time. It seems like 
>>>>>>>> If I 
>>>>>>>> have many years of data it will take that long to import them into 
>>>>>>>> WeeWx 
>>>>>>>> MySqlDB.
>>>>>>>> I then thought, oh wait, i already have the WD data in a MySql DB, 
>>>>>>>> so why am i doing this process.
>>>>>>>> Now I have to figure out how I can gracefully import all the WD 
>>>>>>>> data I have in a MySQL DB to the one I set up for WeeWx. Both are on 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> same hosted server. Different DB names.
>>>>>>>> There is one table for WD and multiple tables for WeeWx so  have no 
>>>>>>>> idea on where to begin with this. I have ~60,000 rows of data in the 
>>>>>>>> WD 
>>>>>>>> MySQL DB table.
>>>>>>>> Does anyone have a graceful way of migrating the WD MySQL DB into a 
>>>>>>>> WeeWX DB?
>>>>>>>> Am I overlooking something in the documentation or in group?
>>>>>>>> Thank you.

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