You’ll need to ask about your new issues, unrelated to the forecast extension, 
on a new thread.

As for what you are seeing in the forecast, the way the extension was written, 
the two 12 hour periods are reported and the high and low come from that data 
(NOT the temperatureMin and temperatureMax fields.

I ran your forecast and got:
"daypartName":[null,"Tonight","Tomorrow","Tomorrow night","Monday","Monday 
night","Tuesday","Tuesday night","Wednesday","Wednesday 
night","Thursday","Thursday night"]
Reformatted for the discussion as:
Null     :  Null, Tonight        : -2
Tomorrow :  8   , Tomorrow Night :  2
Monday   :  7   , Monday Night   :  2
Tuesday  :  9   , Tuesday Night  :  1
Wednesday: 10   , Wednesday Night:  1
Thursday : 11   , Thursday Night :  2
The extension uses the day temp for high and the night temp for low.  Thus:
Day         H/L
Tonight  : -2/-2 (There is no longer a day as it has passed.)
Tomorrow :  8/2
Monday   :  7/2
Tuesday  :  9/1
Wednesday: 10/1
Thursday : 11/2
This matches your report, save for the low tomorrow (which differs by one 
degree); but that is likely because the forecast used in the report was older 
than when you got the forecast in your browser (they are only requested 
periodically, not on every reporting cycle).
> On Nov 21, 2020, at 9:18 AM, 'Michael Waldor' via weewx-user 
> <> wrote:
> Sorry for my late response. My problem is still there. Just now I've run 
> weewx-4.2.0 using "original" weewx.conf/original skins (as they are after 
> fresh installation) - only changes are my 2 API keys for wunderground. Still 
> I feel that the data look wrong if compared with direct JSON output. I've 
> appended both.
> The rendered forecast says
> Max -2 8 7 9 °C
> Min -2 3 2 1  "C
> while the json says
> "temperatureMax":[null,8,7,9,10,11],
> "temperatureMin":[-2,3,1,1,1,2],
> Currently I'm trying to merge "my" old weewx.conf with the one from my fresh 
> weex-4.2.0 installation. Here, too, I encounter spurious behaviour. Both 
> work, but as soon as I merge in all new things from original 4.s.0 into my 
> weewx.conf aftrewards weewx silently dies during start. From my perspective 
> the only changes are whitespace (I know that python is crucial with 
> indentation) and some added units. Ok, within my weewx.conf I want to disable 
> as much logging as possible. These are the kind of changes, e.g.
> NEW:                 group_distance     = km                   # Options are 
> 'mile' or 'km'
> SPURIOUS:      [[[[[DegreeDays]]]]] and [[[[[Trend]]]]] looses one level of 
> brackets (I've tried both - no improvement)
> NEW:                 many prefer_hardware entries
> NEW:                xtype_services = weewx.wxxtypes.StdWXXTypes, 
> weewx.wxxtypes.StdPressureCooker, weewx.wxxtypes.StdRainRater (I've tried 
> with and without this line - no improvement)
> Currently I've no clue why my settings and the original both work, while 
> their merge not.
> To get more information I've also tried debug=1 - no additional message, 
> silent death.
> But guess that's another topic that I have to check on my own. I just report 
> it for completeness.
> Hope you can reproduce my forecast problem. And thanks for your support,
> Michael
> schrieb am Samstag, 21. November 2020 um 03:53:50 UTC+1:
>> This is my repository and that is the latest release.  I recall that I had 
>> to remove a column because it was not available in the new WU forecast (the 
>> old API no longer exists).  You don’t mention the column removed; but if you 
>> research it, I think you’ll find it’s not in the forecast returned.  If not, 
>> let me know (and please do mention the column you are referring to).
>> If you want to give me a reproducible case for the lows; using just the 
>> forecast pages (i.e., not copying files to seasons) and tell me what page is 
>> wrong; I will look at it.  I already have your lat long; so it will be able 
>> to reproduce here.
>>>> On Nov 20, 2020, at 7:46 AM, 'Michael Waldor' via weewx-user 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>> As I wrote in the original post I did re-install the forecast module using 
>>> wee_extension. But I use it as part of Seasons skin within the left area 
>>> below "Current conditions". To get that I had to copy forecast_compact.css, 
>>>, and the icons into Seasons skin. I only skipped the 
>>> update of these skin files for my new weewx 4 environment. Now I've 
>>> compared forecast_compact.* from weewx 3.x with their new successors from 
>>> weeewx 4 - css is unchanged while there are many changes within inc. Thus I 
>>> now use that updated Now the compact forecast 
>>> contains only 4 instead of 5 columns, but with unchanged data (column 
>>> Tuesday is missing).
>>> I've re-engaged the forecast skin to get "raw" forecast without Seasons 
>>> skin. It, too, contains the wrong data with 4 columns (instead of 5) and 
>>> with "wrong" data.
>>> But to me it's still unclear if I'm using the "correct" recent forecast 
>>> module
>>> (
>>>  Is this the correct one?
>>> schrieb am Freitag, 20. November 2020 um 16:12:08 UTC+1:
>>>> > but as is from weewx 3.x - no update of skin skin files)
>>>> You are going to need to install this extension, not just copy over the 
>>>> python file, so we can compare apples to apples here.  I know I had to 
>>>> make more changes than just the python file to get this working.  Please 
>>>> do a proper install and report back.
>>>>>> On Nov 20, 2020, at 7:00 AM, 'Michael Waldor' via weewx-user 
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Disclaimer: This is my first usage of google groups - hope the answer 
>>>>> reaches this thread.
>>>>> Ok, from json I get (using my api_key):
>>>>> "temperatureMax":[null,7,9,8,9,11],"temperatureMin":[-3,-1,4,2,1,4]
>>>>> which sounds reasonable for my location (see my original post).
>>>>> Within forecast seasons I see the appended kind of table (I use 
>>>>> forecast_compact.css within seasons, but as is from weewx 3.x - no update 
>>>>> of skin skin files) - part from /var/www/html/weewx/index.html with the 
>>>>> forecast table. To compare the HTML more easily I've extracted the 
>>>>> relevant part from my rendered weather page :
>>>>> Fr FW -2 -2 6,4 10
>>>>> Sa SC  7 -1 7,2 10
>>>>> So OV  9 -1 6,4 10
>>>>> Mo OV  8 -1 6,4 20
>>>>> Di SC  9 -1 8,0 10
>>>>> As you see the (rendered) temperatureMin is -2,-1,-1,-1,-1
>>>>> schrieb am Freitag, 20. November 2020 um 14:20:43 
>>>>> UTC+1:
>>>>>> Would you please get specific about what you think is wrong?  Include 
>>>>>> the WU output when you use the URL directly.
>>>>>> Let’s concentrate on temperature, since you’ve called that out.  You’ll 
>>>>>> see something like this in the output:
>>>>>> "temperatureMax":[7,7,9,8,9,11],"temperatureMin":[-3,-1,4,2,1,4],
>>>>>> Please include that line and the numbers you are seeing in the forecast. 
>>>>>>  The code is grabbing the high for the daytime 12-hour period and the 
>>>>>> low form the nighttime 12-hour period.  That probably needs to change 
>>>>>> as, for example, the low for the day could be lower than the low for the 
>>>>>> nighttime period.  Let’s see your specific numbers to determine if that 
>>>>>> is the issue.
>>>>>>>> On Nov 20, 2020, at 1:16 AM, 'Michael Waldor' via weewx-user 
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Just some days ago I've upgraded my raspberry pi 3 installation of 
>>>>>>> weewx from 3.x to 4.x (forced to because my SD card seemed to be 
>>>>>>> corrupted).
>>>>>>> Since I had to reinstall everything I decided to go with the most 
>>>>>>> recent versions - i.e. upgrade raspian from stretch to buster, upgrade 
>>>>>>> weewx from 3.x to 4.x, switch from python 2 to python 3.
>>>>>>> Getting weewx 4.x was not straightforward to me (I read my own 
>>>>>>> documentation when I did my first install more then 2 years back and 
>>>>>>> the current upgrade instructions) - by my fault I installed the python 
>>>>>>> 2 weewx by apt-get, but finally I discovered the current apt-get 
>>>>>>> repository, and now weewx-4.2.0 using python 3 is up and running.
>>>>>>> I had an additional problem. My weather station is the Renkforce WH2300 
>>>>>>> using the wh23xx extension. As far as I understand this extension is as 
>>>>>>> of now not fully ported to python 3. But I discovered a fork an github 
>>>>>>> That's running smooth but (being beta) floods the logs - thus I've 
>>>>>>> changed its function logmsg to to nothing (python command pass).
>>>>>>> And now finally to my remaining problem: I also use the forcast 
>>>>>>> extension with wunderground. Here, too, I'm using a temporary version 
>>>>>>> from to get early 
>>>>>>> python 3 support. It seems to work - I get forcast messages. But the 
>>>>>>> data shown seem to be partly off. If I do a direct WU query using json 
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> I get different max/min temperatures compared with the data shown 
>>>>>>> within the seasons skin. Especially the forcast for the current day 
>>>>>>> looks always bad. Did I make a mistake within weewx.conf - it contains 
>>>>>>> only the WU api_key (no separate location)?
>>>>>>> -- 
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