With the GeoNet problem I had now fixed I am also getting distances to
earthquake locations in miles, when the rest of my site is km


On Fri, 25 Dec 2020, 23:35 moth...@gmail.com, <mothe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> yes, it works, thanks for the adjustment.
> Ton
> http://weerstationnibbixwoud.nl/
> Op woensdag 28 oktober 2020 om 18:45:37 UTC+1 schreef blee...@xs4all.nl:
>> Hallo Arend,
>> Yes, it's working!
>> Just aligning the new line after #25-10.4 solved the problem, manymany
>> thanks!
>> Best regards, Keimpe
>> Op woensdag 28 oktober 2020 om 15:31:29 UTC+1 schreef Arend:
>>> Hi Keimpe,
>>> I have a suspicion why it didn't work out for you. Copying your code
>>> from your previous post into a text editor revealed that the changes you
>>> made were not properly alligned. The Python language is sensitive to
>>> indentation. The screenshot below shows a green and red line. The second
>>> eqmag (#25-10.4) should have been lined up to the green line like the first
>>> eqmag (#25-10.3). But instead it was lined up to the red line, probably
>>> causing an exception (error) which would result in displaying that there
>>> was no earthquake data available.
>>> [image: Toelichting uitlijning code.png]
>>> I have included a new version of belchertown.py that has already been
>>> modified with the correct changes. Could you be so kind to download this
>>> file and use it to replace the existing belchertown.py. If this works then
>>> I will use this file for a pull request.
>>> Mvg, Arend
>>> Op woensdag 28 oktober 2020 om 11:38:34 UTC+1 schreef blee...@xs4all.nl:
>>>> Hoi Arend,
>>>> Thanks for your efforts.
>>>> Now changed back to the original file and (of cours) the EQ data is
>>>> back, as expected in 'mijl'.
>>>> In the log there is no related error, the only recursive error is a
>>>> Failed to publish record .... to WOW.
>>>> Undermentioned you may find the earthquake section of belchertown.py
>>>> with the recommended changes. Between empty lines the original lines ar
>>>> commented out with #25-10.1 (#date and 1 is the line-number as suggested in
>>>> your GitHub post), following the line copied from GitHub.
>>>> Regards, Keimpe
>>>>         """
>>>>         Earthquake Data
>>>>         """
>>>>         # Only process if Earthquake data is enabled
>>>>         if self.generator.skin_dict['Extras']['earthquake_enabled'] ==
>>>> "1":
>>>>             earthquake_file = html_root + "/json/earthquake.json"
>>>>             earthquake_stale_timer =
>>>> self.generator.skin_dict['Extras']['earthquake_stale']
>>>>             latitude = self.generator.config_dict['Station']['latitude']
>>>>             longitude =
>>>> self.generator.config_dict['Station']['longitude']
>>>> #25-10.1    distance_unit = converter.group_unit_dict["group_distance"]
>>>>             distance_unit =
>>>> self.generator.converter.group_unit_dict["group_distance"]
>>>>             eq_distance_label =
>>>> self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['Labels'].get(distance_unit, "")
>>>>             eq_distance_round =
>>>> self.generator.skin_dict['Units']['StringFormats'].get(distance_unit,
>>>> "%.1f")
>>>>             earthquake_maxradiuskm =
>>>> self.generator.skin_dict['Extras']['earthquake_maxradiuskm']
>>>>             #Sample URL from Belchertown Weather:
>>>> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?limit=1&lat=42.223&lon=-72.374&maxradiuskm=1000&format=geojson&nodata=204&minmag=2
>>>>             if self.generator.skin_dict['Extras']['earthquake_server']
>>>> == "USGS":
>>>>                 earthquake_url = "
>>>> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?limit=1&lat=%s&lon=%s&maxradiuskm=%s&format=geojson&nodata=204&minmag=2";
>>>> % ( latitude, longitude, earthquake_maxradiuskm )
>>>>             elif
>>>> self.generator.skin_dict['Extras']['earthquake_server'] == "GeoNet":
>>>>                 earthquake_url = "https://api.geonet.org.nz/quake?MMI=4
>>>> "
>>>>             earthquake_is_stale = False
>>>>             # Determine if the file exists and get it's modified time
>>>>             if os.path.isfile( earthquake_file ):
>>>>                 if ( int( time.time() ) - int( os.path.getmtime(
>>>> earthquake_file ) ) ) > int( earthquake_stale_timer ):
>>>>                     earthquake_is_stale = True
>>>>             else:
>>>>                 # File doesn't exist, download a new copy
>>>>                 earthquake_is_stale = True
>>>>             # File is stale, download a new copy
>>>>             if earthquake_is_stale:
>>>>                 # Download new earthquake data
>>>>                 try:
>>>>                     try:
>>>>                         # Python 3
>>>>                         from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
>>>>                     except ImportError:
>>>>                         # Python 2
>>>>                         from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
>>>>                     user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac
>>>> OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63
>>>> Safari/534.3'
>>>>                     headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }
>>>>                     req = Request( earthquake_url, None, headers )
>>>>                     response = urlopen( req )
>>>>                     page = response.read()
>>>>                     response.close()
>>>>                     if weewx.debug:
>>>>                         logdbg( "Downloading earthquake data using
>>>> urllib2 was successful" )
>>>>                 except Exception as forecast_error:
>>>>                     if weewx.debug:
>>>>                         logdbg( "Error downloading earthquake data with
>>>> urllib2, reverting to curl and subprocess. Full error: %s" % forecast_error
>>>> )
>>>>                     # Nested try - only execute if the urllib2 method
>>>> fails
>>>>                     try:
>>>>                         import subprocess
>>>>                         command = 'curl -L --silent "%s"' %
>>>> earthquake_url
>>>>                         p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
>>>> stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
>>>>                         page = p.communicate()[0]
>>>>                         if weewx.debug:
>>>>                             logdbg( "Downloading earthquake data with
>>>> curl was successful." )
>>>>                     except Exception as error:
>>>>                         raise Warning( "Error downloading earthquake
>>>> data using urllib2 and subprocess curl. Your software may need to be
>>>> updated, or the URL is incorrect. You are trying to use URL: %s, and the
>>>> error is: %s" % ( earthquake_url, error ) )
>>>>                 # Save earthquake data to file. w+ creates the file if
>>>> it doesn't exist, and truncates the file and re-writes it everytime
>>>>                 try:
>>>>                     with open( earthquake_file, 'wb+' ) as file:
>>>>                         # Python 2/3
>>>>                         try:
>>>>                             file.write( page.encode('utf-8') )
>>>>                         except:
>>>>                             file.write( page )
>>>>                         if weewx.debug:
>>>>                             logdbg( "Earthquake data saved to %s" %
>>>> earthquake_file )
>>>>                 except IOError as e:
>>>>                     raise Warning( "Error writing earthquake data to
>>>> %s. Reason: %s" % ( earthquake_file, e) )
>>>>             # Process the earthquake file
>>>>             with open( earthquake_file, "r" ) as read_file:
>>>>                 try:
>>>>                     eqdata = json.load( read_file )
>>>>                 except:
>>>>                     eqdata = ""
>>>>             try:
>>>>                 if
>>>> self.generator.skin_dict['Extras']['earthquake_server'] == "USGS":
>>>>                     eqtime =
>>>> eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["time"] / 1000
>>>>                     equrl = eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["url"]
>>>>                     eqplace =
>>>> eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["place"]
>>>> #25-10.3            eqmag = eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["mag"]
>>>>                     eqmag = locale.format("%g",
>>>> float(eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["mag"]) )
>>>>                 elif
>>>> self.generator.skin_dict['Extras']['earthquake_server'] == "GeoNet":
>>>>                     eqtime = eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["time"]
>>>>                     #convert time to UNIX format
>>>>                     eqtime = eqtime.replace("Z","")
>>>>                     eqtime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(eqtime)
>>>>                     eqtime =
>>>> int(eqtime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
>>>>                     equrl = ("https://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/"; +
>>>> eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["publicID"])
>>>>                     eqplace =
>>>> eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["locality"]
>>>> #25-10.4        eqmag =
>>>> round(eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["magnitude"],1)
>>>>                 eqmag = locale.format("%g",
>>>> float(round(eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["magnitude"],1)) )
>>>>                 eqlat = str( round(
>>>> eqdata["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][1], 4 ) )
>>>>                 eqlon = str( round(
>>>> eqdata["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][0], 4 ) )
>>>>                 eqdistance_bearing =
>>>> self.get_gps_distance((float(latitude), float(longitude)),
>>>>  (float(eqlat), float(eqlon)),
>>>> distance_unit)
>>>> #25-10.2        eqdistance = eq_distance_round % eqdistance_bearing[0]
>>>>                 eqdistance = locale.format("%g",
>>>> float(eq_distance_round % eqdistance_bearing[0]) )
>>>>                 eqbearing = eqdistance_bearing[1]
>>>>                 eqbearing_raw = eqdistance_bearing[2]
>>>>             except:
>>>>                 # No earthquake data
>>>>                 eqtime = label_dict["earthquake_no_data"]
>>>>                 equrl = ""
>>>>                 eqplace = ""
>>>>                 eqmag = ""
>>>>                 eqlat = ""
>>>>                 eqlon = ""
>>>>                 eqdistance = ""
>>>>                 eqbearing = ""
>>>>                 eqbearing_raw = ""
>>>>         else:
>>>>             eqtime = ""
>>>>             equrl = ""
>>>>             eqplace = ""
>>>>             eqmag = ""
>>>>             eqlat = ""
>>>>             eqlon = ""
>>>>             eqdistance = ""
>>>>             eqbearing = ""
>>>>             eqbearing_raw = ""
>>>>             eq_distance_label = ""
>>>> Op dinsdag 27 oktober 2020 om 22:54:22 UTC+1 schreef Arend:
>>>>> I am going to make a pull request out of this issue, hopefully Pat
>>>>> will incorporate this fix into the master. That way you will be able to
>>>>> download it from the repository.
>>>>> In the mean time you could try to replace the modified file with the
>>>>> original from the repo and see what happens. Did you check your logs for
>>>>> errors?
>>>>> Mvg, Arend
>>>>> Op dinsdag 27 oktober 2020 om 21:36:04 UTC+1 schreef blee...@xs4all.nl
>>>>> :
>>>>>> Hi Arend,
>>>>>> Thanks for the suggestions.
>>>>>> - The JSON tels me about an eartquake  6 km E of Belle-Plagne in
>>>>>> France, and lat=53.254&lon=5.895&maxradiuskm=2000 as set in my config,
>>>>>> seems OK to me.
>>>>>> - The config is same as yours
>>>>>> - I checked the changes in belchertown.py, the only difference with
>>>>>> your fixes is the order of the 4 lines, they do not come across these
>>>>>> consecutively from top to bottom as you suggested, but first 1 (line 
>>>>>> 1060),
>>>>>> then 3 (line 1139), then 4 (line 1152) and finally 2 (line 1161). I
>>>>>> copy/pasted the lines (again) from GitHub in the editor.
>>>>>> And still no data...
>>>>>> Regards, Keimpe
>>>>>> Op dinsdag 27 oktober 2020 om 20:51:31 UTC+1 schreef Arend:
>>>>>>> Goedenavond Keimpe,
>>>>>>> You can check your earthquake file typing this into your browser:
>>>>>>> http://oentsjerk.eu/json/earthquake.json
>>>>>>> It shows the same data as mine which means it is loaded/updated
>>>>>>> correctly, check the epoch timestamp to verify when it was
>>>>>>> downloaded/updated.
>>>>>>> Are you sure you copied the changes the right way (without
>>>>>>> additional tabs or spaces)?
>>>>>>> Are there no errors in your logs?
>>>>>>> My configuration shows this:
>>>>>>>             # Earthquake defaults
>>>>>>>             earthquake_enabled = 1
>>>>>>>             earthquake_maxradiuskm = 2000
>>>>>>>             earthquake_stale = 10740
>>>>>>>             earthquake_server = USGS
>>>>>>> Does it match yours?
>>>>>>> Mvg, Arend
>>>>>>> Op dinsdag 27 oktober 2020 om 19:30:46 UTC+1 schreef
>>>>>>> blee...@xs4all.nl:
>>>>>>>> Hi Arend,
>>>>>>>> Stil no recent earthquake data avilable (http://oentsjerk.eu). Can
>>>>>>>> I have your URL to check the actuality?
>>>>>>>> Regards, Keimpe
>>>>>>>> Op zondag 25 oktober 2020 om 11:46:06 UTC+1 schreef
>>>>>>>> blee...@xs4all.nl:
>>>>>>>>> Goedemiddag Arend,
>>>>>>>>> Thnx, changes made!
>>>>>>>>> At this time it says 'no recent data avilabale' so I have to wait
>>>>>>>>> for een eartqauke data-update.
>>>>>>>>> Keep you informed.
>>>>>>>>> Regards, Keimpe
>>>>>>>>> Op zaterdag 24 oktober 2020 om 21:46:02 UTC+2 schreef Arend:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Keimpe,
>>>>>>>>>> I had the same problem and created an issue about this in the
>>>>>>>>>> repo. You can use the fix, let me know if it works for you.
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/issues/422
>>>>>>>>>> Mvg, Arend
>>>>>>>>>> Op zaterdag 24 oktober 2020 om 21:04:04 UTC+2 schreef
>>>>>>>>>> blee...@xs4all.nl:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thnx Vince, Strange, also on mobile, WLAN and 4G network, the
>>>>>>>>>>> same problem so it can't be a localization issue related to the 
>>>>>>>>>>> network.
>>>>>>>>>>> Op zaterdag 24 oktober 2020 om 20:49:37 UTC+2 schreef vince:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 10:47:03 AM UTC-7,
>>>>>>>>>>>> blee...@xs4all.nl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm facing just a minor issue: in the skin.conf is defined
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'earthquake_maxradiuskm = 2000'. Therefore I'm expecting a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> distance in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> km's, but the actual distance as well as the units are still in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> miles (mijl
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in Dutch). How to resolve this? (http://oentsjerk.eu/)
>>>>>>>>>>>> I see km when I look at your page.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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