Two things.  One is you need to do your steps as the account weewx runs as, 
which is likely root.   While doing your steps from the unprivileged 
account 'fiaranch' does prove the remote side works and the key works, it 
has nothing to do with weewx at all.  To get weewx rsync working you need 
to set up the passwordless ssh for the root account almost certainly.

Second thing is the ERROR message.  It's likely you either have no 
.ssh/known_hosts entry for your remote system or an old one that doesn't 
match the remote system's current host key (which is typical if you rebuilt 
the remote system, os's autogenerate new keys).  That's likely why you're 
getting the host key verification message.

Shorter answer is - repeat your steps as root, assuming weewx also runs as 
root.  Sounds like you just tested with the wrong account on your client 

On Monday, November 14, 2022 at 11:07:06 AM UTC-8 FIA Ranch wrote:

> Is WeeWX Rsync buggy or am I!!  Likely me, and I just haven't found the 
> right bug spray to kill it!!  :o)
> About ready to just run a crontab job! Yes I understand WeeWX and crontab 
> being/getting out of sync.
> I have been fighting this for a couple of days.  So now I am looking for 
> hints.  I have run out!
> I apologize for this being a long post!  I hope I have covered all the 
> "have you tried.."
> What DOES work.
> I can sign into the server, move around, add, delete files, etc.
> NOTE:  It is a shared server with a shared IP address.  All of the 
> following have been tried both ways.  Using the domain and the shared IP.
> ----
> fiaranch@weather:~$ ssh (Enter)
> Last login: Mon Nov 14 07:52:14 2022 from
> [~]# exit (Hit Enter)
> logout
> Connection to closed.
> fiaranch@weather:~$ 
> ----
> I can rsync from the command line
> -----
> fiaranch@weather:~$ rsync -avhze ssh --progress --update --stats 
>  /var/www/html/ --delete 
> (Hit Enter)
> sending incremental file list
> ./
> #FTP.last
>          26.05K 100%   23.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=200/202)
> belchertown-dark.min.css
> |
> |
> blah-blah-blah
> |
> Number of files: 202 (reg: 185, dir: 17)
> Number of created files: 0
> Number of deleted files: 0
> Number of regular files transferred: 57
> Total file size: 1.91M bytes
> Total transferred file size: 1.15M bytes
> Literal data: 280.85K bytes
> Matched data: 872.30K bytes
> File list size: 0
> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
> Total bytes sent: 171.97K
> Total bytes received: 11.16K
> sent 171.97K bytes  received 11.16K bytes  73.25K bytes/sec
> total size is 1.91M  speedup is 10.44
> -----
> Immediately run it again......
> ------
> fiaranch@weather:~$ rsync -avhze ssh --progress --update --stats 
>  /var/www/html/ --delete 
> (Hit Enter)
> sending incremental file list
> ./
> #FTP.last
>          26.05K 100%   23.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=200/202)
> belchertown-dark.min.css
> |
> |
> blah-blah-blah
> |
> Number of files: 202 (reg: 185, dir: 17)
> Number of created files: 0
> Number of deleted files: 0
> Number of regular files transferred: 0
> Total file size: 1.91M bytes
> Total transferred file size: 0 bytes
> Literal data: 0 bytes
> Matched data: 0 bytes
> File list size: 0
> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
> Total bytes sent: 5.31K
> Total bytes received: 35
> sent 5.31K bytes  received 35 bytes  2.14K bytes/sec
> total size is 1.91M  speedup is 357.60
> -------
> All of the above tells me that the ssh keys are set and working.  Also 
> says that Rsync is working between client and server. 
> Now we go to WeeWX !!!
> Following are the file setups as they currently exist.
> First the external files
> The .ssh directory
> fiaranch@weather:~$ dir ~/.ssh (Hit Enter)
> config    id_rsa    known_hosts
> Three files - config, key file, known hosts
> Config File Content
> ------
> HostName
> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
> StrictHostKeyChecking no
> User fiaranch
> ServerAliveInterval 30
> ServerAliveCountMax 6
> -----
> NOTE: The ServerAlive entries are from researching one of the debug 
> errors.  Same with the StrictHost.... That info coming up.
> The known_hosts file (without all the key stuff
> ----
> |1|lz75l-----------------------
> |1|lMA4Y..................
> ----
> NOTE: Added the domain from another research finding
> Now the WeeWX config file - Again omitting everything except relevant parts
> -----
> [[RSYNC]]
>         skin = Rsync
>         enable = true
>         server =
>         user = fiaranch
>         path = /home3/fiaranch/public_html/weather/
>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html
>         delete = 1
> -------
> NOTE:  Yes, HTML_ROOT is a different directory
> Now we get to the terminal tail output using - sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
> NOTE:  In the config file all debug options are on. I have left all the 
> timestamps in the list to show it is a fast fail. I added the line breaks 
> and line numbers to make it easier to read and note
> --------
> 1) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Running 
> report 'RSYNC'
> 2) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Found 
> configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report 'RSYNC'
> 3) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Cannot 
> read localization file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/lang/en.conf for report 
> 'RSYNC': Config file not found: "/etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/lang/en.conf".
> 4) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: **** 
> Using defaults instead.
> 5) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weeutil.rsyncupload: 
> rsyncupload: cmd: [['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', '--delete', '-e', 
> 'ssh', '/var/www/html/', 
> '']]
> 6) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: rsync 
> reported errors. Original command: ['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', 
> '--delete', '-e', 'ssh', '/var/www/html/', 
> '']
> 7) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: **** 
> Host key verification failed.
> 8) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: **** 
> rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
> 9) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: **** 
> rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.3]
> ----------
> Line 5 & 6 do not show the / after 'weather' it IS in the path entry in 
> the config file
> Line 5 - The order of options is not the same as the command line run.
> Line 7 - Makes no sense since the command line runs fine.
> Line 9 - That error code pops regardless of the variations I have tried. 
>  Researching those codes led to the additional entries in the config file.
> So there it is!!
> I see three things
> 1) Missing / after 'weather' in the command - Line 5
> 2) Rsync does not like the command structure or format - Line 6
> 3) Line 7 - I have no clue
> Find me some bug spray that will work!!
> Thanks!!!!

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