Thanks.  Am not a Linux expert, but....
1) fiaranch is an admin account. I understand that is not root.
2) I did all the get, install, etc, under the user account. I hear you 
saying it runs under root.
3) I will create a key pair under root. Upload the public one to the 
server.  See if that impacts Line 7.
4) Not seeing how that will impact the Line 6 error. But....... we will see


On Monday, November 14, 2022 at 12:29:08 PM UTC-7 vince wrote:

> Two things.  One is you need to do your steps as the account weewx runs 
> as, which is likely root.   While doing your steps from the unprivileged 
> account 'fiaranch' does prove the remote side works and the key works, it 
> has nothing to do with weewx at all.  To get weewx rsync working you need 
> to set up the passwordless ssh for the root account almost certainly.
> Second thing is the ERROR message.  It's likely you either have no 
> .ssh/known_hosts entry for your remote system or an old one that doesn't 
> match the remote system's current host key (which is typical if you rebuilt 
> the remote system, os's autogenerate new keys).  That's likely why you're 
> getting the host key verification message.
> Shorter answer is - repeat your steps as root, assuming weewx also runs as 
> root.  Sounds like you just tested with the wrong account on your client 
> side.
> On Monday, November 14, 2022 at 11:07:06 AM UTC-8 FIA Ranch wrote:
>> Is WeeWX Rsync buggy or am I!!  Likely me, and I just haven't found the 
>> right bug spray to kill it!!  :o)
>> About ready to just run a crontab job! Yes I understand WeeWX and crontab 
>> being/getting out of sync.
>> I have been fighting this for a couple of days.  So now I am looking for 
>> hints.  I have run out!
>> I apologize for this being a long post!  I hope I have covered all the 
>> "have you tried.."
>> What DOES work.
>> I can sign into the server, move around, add, delete files, etc.
>> NOTE:  It is a shared server with a shared IP address.  All of the 
>> following have been tried both ways.  Using the domain and the shared IP.
>> ----
>> fiaranch@weather:~$ ssh (Enter)
>> Last login: Mon Nov 14 07:52:14 2022 from
>> [~]# exit (Hit Enter)
>> logout
>> Connection to closed.
>> fiaranch@weather:~$ 
>> ----
>> I can rsync from the command line
>> -----
>> fiaranch@weather:~$ rsync -avhze ssh --progress --update --stats 
>>  /var/www/html/ --delete 
>> (Hit Enter)
>> sending incremental file list
>> ./
>> #FTP.last
>>          26.05K 100%   23.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=200/202)
>> belchertown-dark.min.css
>> |
>> |
>> blah-blah-blah
>> |
>> Number of files: 202 (reg: 185, dir: 17)
>> Number of created files: 0
>> Number of deleted files: 0
>> Number of regular files transferred: 57
>> Total file size: 1.91M bytes
>> Total transferred file size: 1.15M bytes
>> Literal data: 280.85K bytes
>> Matched data: 872.30K bytes
>> File list size: 0
>> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
>> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
>> Total bytes sent: 171.97K
>> Total bytes received: 11.16K
>> sent 171.97K bytes  received 11.16K bytes  73.25K bytes/sec
>> total size is 1.91M  speedup is 10.44
>> -----
>> Immediately run it again......
>> ------
>> fiaranch@weather:~$ rsync -avhze ssh --progress --update --stats 
>>  /var/www/html/ --delete 
>> (Hit Enter)
>> sending incremental file list
>> ./
>> #FTP.last
>>          26.05K 100%   23.51MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=200/202)
>> belchertown-dark.min.css
>> |
>> |
>> blah-blah-blah
>> |
>> Number of files: 202 (reg: 185, dir: 17)
>> Number of created files: 0
>> Number of deleted files: 0
>> Number of regular files transferred: 0
>> Total file size: 1.91M bytes
>> Total transferred file size: 0 bytes
>> Literal data: 0 bytes
>> Matched data: 0 bytes
>> File list size: 0
>> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
>> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
>> Total bytes sent: 5.31K
>> Total bytes received: 35
>> sent 5.31K bytes  received 35 bytes  2.14K bytes/sec
>> total size is 1.91M  speedup is 357.60
>> -------
>> All of the above tells me that the ssh keys are set and working.  Also 
>> says that Rsync is working between client and server. 
>> Now we go to WeeWX !!!
>> Following are the file setups as they currently exist.
>> First the external files
>> The .ssh directory
>> fiaranch@weather:~$ dir ~/.ssh (Hit Enter)
>> config    id_rsa    known_hosts
>> Three files - config, key file, known hosts
>> Config File Content
>> ------
>> HostName
>> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
>> StrictHostKeyChecking no
>> User fiaranch
>> ServerAliveInterval 30
>> ServerAliveCountMax 6
>> -----
>> NOTE: The ServerAlive entries are from researching one of the debug 
>> errors.  Same with the StrictHost.... That info coming up.
>> The known_hosts file (without all the key stuff
>> ----
>> |1|lz75l-----------------------
>> |1|lMA4Y..................
>> ----
>> NOTE: Added the domain from another research finding
>> Now the WeeWX config file - Again omitting everything except relevant 
>> parts
>> -----
>> [[RSYNC]]
>>         skin = Rsync
>>         enable = true
>>         server =
>>         user = fiaranch
>>         path = /home3/fiaranch/public_html/weather/
>>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html
>>         delete = 1
>> -------
>> NOTE:  Yes, HTML_ROOT is a different directory
>> Now we get to the terminal tail output using - sudo tail -f 
>> /var/log/syslog
>> NOTE:  In the config file all debug options are on. I have left all the 
>> timestamps in the list to show it is a fast fail. I added the line breaks 
>> and line numbers to make it easier to read and note
>> --------
>> 1) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Running 
>> report 'RSYNC'
>> 2) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Found 
>> configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report 'RSYNC'
>> 3) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Cannot 
>> read localization file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/lang/en.conf for report 
>> 'RSYNC': Config file not found: "/etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/lang/en.conf".
>> 4) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: **** 
>> Using defaults instead.
>> 5) Nov 14 08:42:30 weather weewx[71342] DEBUG weeutil.rsyncupload: 
>> rsyncupload: cmd: [['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', '--delete', '-e', 
>> 'ssh', '/var/www/html/', 
>> '']]
>> 6) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: rsync 
>> reported errors. Original command: ['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', 
>> '--delete', '-e', 'ssh', '/var/www/html/', 
>> '']
>> 7) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: **** 
>> Host key verification failed.
>> 8) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: **** 
>> rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
>> 9) Nov 14 08:42:31 weather weewx[71342] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: **** 
>> rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.3]
>> ----------
>> Line 5 & 6 do not show the / after 'weather' it IS in the path entry in 
>> the config file
>> Line 5 - The order of options is not the same as the command line run.
>> Line 7 - Makes no sense since the command line runs fine.
>> Line 9 - That error code pops regardless of the variations I have tried. 
>>  Researching those codes led to the additional entries in the config file.
>> So there it is!!
>> I see three things
>> 1) Missing / after 'weather' in the command - Line 5
>> 2) Rsync does not like the command structure or format - Line 6
>> 3) Line 7 - I have no clue
>> Find me some bug spray that will work!!
>> Thanks!!!!

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