On 21/12/2022 07:45, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
Hi Chris,

Nothing like finding a day where you can plunge, guilt free, into the
ToDo list.  I didn't have a Snow day, but I borrowed yours!

I started re-purposing Matthew Walls twitter extension (which runs
uses RestX - [StdRESTful] ) and have had good success with it in the
half day or so that it's been runnng. Still some work to do on it
(phttt) but the text part works well enough.

Your use of the template is interesting - that gives it a bit of flexibility.

I'll mull that one over while I continue down the media (image) path.

Alpha is at ...

On 21/12/2022, Chris Alemany <chris...@gmail.com> wrote:
The snowy weather here on Vancouver Island has given me some unexpected
time to work on this.  I now have a working template file and python script

that will produce and post weewx data to a Mastodon account.
Just setup an account on your favourite Mastodon server,
mark it as a bot,
create an API/Client Key (under development in your account's preferences)
install the template file to one of your skins (I just added it to the
Standard skin.
put the python file somewhere it can be run with cron
run the python file with a command like this:

sudo python3  weewx_to_mastodon.py --server https://mstdn.ca --wxdata
https://mywebpage.com/mastodon.json --api_key biglongstring234fssdf

I've attached my working files if anyone is itching to have it, excuse the
messy code but it should be fairly self explanatory. You should only really

need to modify the values in the json.tmpl file.

On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 3:40:31 PM UTC-8 Chris Alemany wrote:

Here is the promised link to the fellow who created a Python script from
cumulus on Mac to Mastodon/ActivityPub:

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 15, 2022, at 6:24 AM, Chris Alemany <chri...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Has anyone had a go at having weewx post to Mastodon/Fediverse, either to

an existing @user@server or as an independent instance?

There is at least one fellow who has written some Python to do it from his

cumulus based system. I will share his GitHub project if someone thinks
they can do it.


Sent from my iPhone

I've been posting to Mastodon for a while now and I've done it a bit differently.

In skin.conf of what ever skin you are using (Seasons for me) I added:
            encoding = strict_ascii
            template = mastodon.out.tmpl

mastodon.out.tmpl contains:
Temp: $current.outTemp Humidity: $current.outHumidity\nPressure: $current.barometer\nWind: $current.windDir.ordinal_compass, $current.windSpeed (ave), $current.windGust (gust)\nRain Rate: $current.rainRate Rain Total: $day.rain.sum\nSolar Radiation: $current.radiation UV: $current.UV\nSoil Moisture: $current.soilMoist1

Lastly I have this python script run hourly from a Crontab using Mastodon.py and I can upload an image from my webcam at the same time:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from mastodon import Mastodon
from datetime import datetime

#   Set up Mastodon
mastodon = Mastodon(
    access_token = '',
    api_base_url = ''

photo_path = '/var/www/html/webcam.jpg'
now = datetime.now()
spoiler = 'Live weather for #Yeovil at ' + now.strftime('%d/%m/%y %H.00')

f = open('/var/www/html/weewx/mastodon.out','r')
media = mastodon.media_post(photo_path)
content = f.read()
tweet = content.replace("\\n","\n")
mastodon.status_post(tweet, media_ids=media, spoiler_text=spoiler)

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