Hmm, let me throw a question back at you. Why store dayRain in the database?

The restx uploaders will use dayRain if available in the current archive 
record otherwise they will manually calculate the value (dayRain does not 
need to be saved to database for it to be available in the current archive 
record). Today's rainfall (or for that matter any days rainfall) can be 
displayed in a report using a tag based on the rain field, again no need 
for historical dayRain. By all means have your driver pass dayRain through, 
it will save a few milliseconds or less each restx upload, but I don't see 
much other use for historical dayRain data.


On Saturday, 30 September 2023 at 15:16:22 UTC+10 

> Thanks Gary, this helping a lot to understand the intricate details of 
> weewx.  Given this I will update my driver to pass the daily rain as 
> 'dayRain' and then store that as a new field in the database for later use.
> On Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 5:41:12 PM UTC+13 gjr80 wrote:
>> On Saturday, 30 September 2023 at 13:29:28 UTC+10 
>> wrote:
>> If I set the WU password to an invalid value then any posts from weewx to 
>> WU will fail, but debug = 2 will show me the URL in the log.  That will 
>> work for testing and eliminate any erroneous values showing up in the WU 
>> graphs.
>> You would think you would be pretty safe doing this, though with WU's 
>> history nothing would surprise me. I would put a dummy station ID in as 
>> well.
>> Gary

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