Couple things.  First - google groups can seemingly randomly eat posts. 
 Nobody knows why.

Secondly -  "*sudo --install weewx-interceptor-master*" - There is no such 
command and you're probably getting frustrated enough at this point to 
essentially just make up commands at this point.  Suggest you take a 
breath, walk away for an hour, and revisit the documentation for weewx v5 
and specifically how to use the extension installer, specifically the 
installaing a driver and skin/extension sections near the top of  
<> - basically step back 
and read the usersguide.  That's why hundreds of hours were spent writing 

The interceptor driver docs online are old and show v4 weewx syntax for how 
to install things.  The v5 commands are different and simpler.  I'd do the 

sudo weectl extension install
sudo weectl station reconfigure --no-prompt --driver=user.interceptor
I opened 
documenting how I got interceptor to work on v5 with a 'pip' installation. 
Doing so with a dpkg installation is a little more difficult because you'll 
run into that "*This environment is externally managed*" error from newer 
versions of python. You can work around that by adding a flag to your pip 
command ala "*pip install package_name --break-system-packages*". Yes that 
flag is very badly worded to my eyes too but that's what they called it.

Or you can go back and use weewx v4 and you might be able to use the 
existing interceptor documentation.

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