That path originally didn’t work for me either, try the same one I have


From: <> On Behalf Of 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2024 7:16 PM
To: weewx-user <>
Subject: Re: [weewx-user] Re: Ventus W830 or Ecowitt GW2000 help for Raspberry 


Without providing logs, there is little we can do to read your mind.


This script works on a 'clean' pi to install weewx+interceptor using the dpkg 
and install interceptor over v5 weewx.   You'll have to manually edit 
weewx.conf to set the listening port to match your station's setup (this 
example uses 8000) and then you'll need to restart weewx to make it take 


Unfortunately I don't have any gear to listen to, so I can't test it 
completely, but weewx 'does' run the interceptor and it 'does' listen on the 
specified port.


#------ install weewx using the dpkg installation method

sudo apt install -y wget gnupg
wget -qO - | \
    sudo gpg --dearmor --output /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/weewx.gpg

echo "deb [arch=all] buster main" | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/weewx.list

sudo apt update
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y weewx

#------- install interceptor and hook into weewx
sudo apt-get install -y libpcap-dev
sudo python3 -m pip install libpcap pypcap --break-system-packages
sudo weectl extension install
sudo weectl station reconfigure --no-prompt --driver=user.interceptor

#------- add weewx to all the groups typical 'pi' is
# which should permit binding to non-privileged ports
for g in adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input render 
netdev gpio i2c spi
  sudo usermod -aG $g weewx

#------- manual steps to do to complete the installation are below

##### sudo vi /etc/weewx.conf
#####   and add "listen = 8000" to the Interceptor section
#####   and run "sudo systemctl restart weewx" to restart weewx
##### sudo tail /var/log/syslog should show weewx log entries
##### or alternately "sudo journalctl -xe -u weewx" to do it that way


On Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 12:21:36 PM UTC-7 radio4pi wrote:

Thank you all for your help on this.


I am still struggling unfortunately, and not understanding what I am doing 
wrong. Nor, to be honest, not understanding what I am doing? I am not a 
programmer, and I am just following what others have written verbatim. So when 
it fails I don't know why? It would be great to have a Step-by-step guide, even 
though the Help pages are very informative, it doesn't alter the fact that I 
don't know what I don't know. Sort of like learning to drive a car without 
having a car, if you get what I mean? This must he frustrating for you all too?


The Android app that I use is WS View Plus;


I kept getting Timeout Errors when trying to get the "Customized" set to Port 
8080. But I managed to get it set to Port 8000 as suggested elsewhere. I also 
had Timeout Errors when trying to set the Path, but it seems to like the Path 
set as "/". Again as suggested elswhere. At some point I did get it set to Path 



But I am still struggling trying to get the Interceptor to install? Whether I 
am in the wrong Folder, or the respective part of the Installation is in the 
wrong Folder, or I am not in Root, or whatever else Error I get, I am unable to 
resolve the issue. 


I think eventually the penny will drop, and it will "click" as to what I am 
reading, and I will suddenly see what I am doing wrong. But when sat in front 
of the Keyboard and Screen on my own, without anyone to guide me, or anyone 
else to soundboard off of, this is a bit of a learning curve. But that's half 
of the fun! When I get it working correctly I'll let you all know .

On 29 Mar 2024 at 15:53, Kruse Ludington < 
<> > wrote: 

I had to struggle to but mine now works and hopefully the below information 
will help. 


I have a Raspberry PI connected by ethernet to the same network that my 
AmbientWeather WS-2902C console is connected to, so they can talk to each other.


The interceptor section of my weewx.conf file has (between the ---- only):


    # This section is for the network traffic interceptor driver.
    # The driver to use:
    driver = user.interceptor
    # Specify the hardware device to capture.  Options include:
    #   acurite-bridge - acurite internet bridge, smarthub, or access
    #   observer - fine offset WH2600/HP1000/HP1003, ambient WS2902
    #   lw30x - oregon scientific LW301/LW302
    #   lacrosse-bridge - lacrosse GW1000U/C84612 internet bridge
    #   ecowitt-client - any hardware that uses the ecowitt protocol
    #   wu-client - any hardware that uses the weather underground protocol
    device_type = observer
    port = 8080
    iface = eth0



iface is eth0 as I have it weewx on the rpi over ethernet, and note the port 
8080 is important (must match awnet) as per the bottom of this message:

For the WS-2902C console to connect to weatherunderground and other places, on 
my andoid phone (they have a smilar app for iphones) - the app is called 
"AWNET". Currently this ambientweather awnet app allows you to connect external 
services to your weather data. YOur phone needs to be on the same network when 
running awnet. This is how you get a permanent always up and running feed of 
data from the console (which enhances and enriches the data received from the 
array) - every 16 seconds. These are the connections you can configure in awnet:



"Customized"  - and this is the key - weewx subscribes to this connection


Here are the settings on my AWNET (port 8080). The Server IP / Hostname is the 
IP address of your RPI.




Good luck, let us know how it goes!


On Monday, March 18, 2024 at 3:17:38 PM UTC-4 Pi Radio wrote:

I have just joined, and cannot get my Raspberry Pi configured for my Ventus 
W830 PWS.  It is linked to various Online Weather sites including Weather 
Underground via it's Display. I also have it linked to an Ecowitt GW2000 that 
is not currently linked to any Online Weather sites. 


I have read the User Guide, and followed various Tutorials, but I am none the 
wiser as to why it does not work?


Is there a step by step guide that is written for a complete novice like me to 


Although the Ventus W830 is listed in the Compatible Hardware List as a Fine 
Offset model it does not appear in the Available Hardware Types in the Software 
on my Raspberry Pi. I have tried using Simulator, plus all of the (dozen or so) 
options for the various types of PWS listed in the software. 


What am I not doing correctly, or what I have missed, I have no idea? I have 
just followed the Instructions in the "Guide". But there still seem to be lots 
of CRITICAL __main__: errors in Red, so it is a bit catistrophic?


I am not a programmer, nor that familiar with a Raspberry Pi. All I know is 
what I have been struggling with here, and following YouTube videos.


Any help would be very, very much appreciated.  


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