On Tuesday 18 September 2007 16:20:03 Alejandro Cabrera Obed wrote:
> But I need one more help: after run "alsaconf" and "alsamixer" on my
> Debian console, I execute "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./wengophone" and
> wengophone starts but when I chose the input, output and ringing device
> as "ALSA default" but  I get this warning message (the audio tests are OK):
> (warn) 11:13:26 static EnumDeviceType::DeviceType
> EnumDeviceType::toDeviceType(const std::string&): unknown DeviceType=

I just fixed a bug which would cause this warning if you selected a different 
audio device from the config dialog. It's in revision 12703. It should be out 
on download.wengo.com/nightlybuilds/ soon. We have a problem with the Linux 
builders right now. I'll let you know when it's fixed.

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