Julien Bossart wrote:
> Aurélien Gâteau a écrit :
>> On Wednesday 10 October 2007 20:38:38 Alejandro Cabrera Obed wrote:
>>> Dear Aurelien and people,
>>> I've installed the last alpha version of wengophone
>>> (WengoPhone-2.2-minsizerel-alsa-12867) on our Debian Etch boxes but we
>>> have three problems:
>>> 1) The main bar is diffused (the part of the bar where the display name
>>> appears does not appear completely). I can attach a print screen image
>>> if you like.
>> This has been fixed I think, try a newer version. I just realized the
>> content of the GNULinux/2.2/ dir on download.wengo.com is confusing:
>> the latest one is not the one at the bottom, because we renamed the
>> archives lately. Since there is no more portaudio version, the
>> "-alsa" suffix has been removed. The latest version at the time I am
>> writing this is WengoPhone-2.2-minsizerel-12991.tar.bz2.
>> Will remove the "-alsa" to avoid confusion.
>>> 2) After I add a Jabber account I can add my Jabber contacts and
>>> authorize them very well but I CAN'T read the messages we
>>> interchange on
>>> the chat window: I type words, then I press Enter but the other client
>>> doesn't see anything, the same if he types and sends me a message.
>> Same thing, I think it's fixed now.
>>> 3) How can I see in the Wengo window if the call is encrypted or not
>>> ???  I don't want to use a sniffer to check it out, I want each user to
>>> see his encryption state for security reasons.
>> If encryption is enabled, you will see a green info bar in the phone
>> call tab telling so. Unfortunately, it's quite difficult to get it
>> working right now:
>> - For Wengo account: it just plain won't work until a pending server
>> upgrade is deployed.
>> - For SIP account: your server must make sure it does not drop a
>> special line in the headers, needed to setup encryption. I am not
>> familiar with this part of the WengoPhone, so I can't be more
>> precise. Julien knows more, I am CC'ing him.
>> Aurélien
> Hi all!
> So, to give more informations about the encryption, you have to be
> sure that your SIP router does not remove the encryption key.
> You can see it in the SDP during an INVITE packet, an attribute header
> named "evrb_key".
> If during a call session,  this attribute is present in both request
> and reply, the call should be encrypted.
> On the Wengo network, this feature doesn't work because our router
> (Cirpack) removes this attribute,
> but normally with SER or OpenSER, this attribute should not be touched
> if you don't ask it specifically.
> I hope that can be helpful for you to understand the encryption process.
> Julien
Thanks Aurelien and Julien, now I will start to download the latest
version you say.

And for encryption, I tell you I use our own Asterisk 1.2.13 SIP server,
and I don't know if it removes the attribute header named
"evrb_key"....so I have to investigate deeper using a sniffer or the
"sip debug" command from CLI.

Really thanks, regards !!!


Ing. Alejandro Cabrera Obed
Sistema de Identificación Nacional Tributario y Social
Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales
Presidencia de la Nación
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Ciudad Autónoma de Bs. As.
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4334-3676 4342-5648

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