Hi everyone!
I did just commit >10 minutes of great new music to mainline. Like
already talked about in this thread, time has come to remove the
following pieces of music since our musicians think that they are not
the quality that fits to the new level we have for music. I think the
same way since they are just some kind of "techno-like syntetic music"
and not of the quality the rest has. wesnoth-7 even is broken so it
should go. Here is the list:
It would be nice to have these pieces removed from all mainline usage.
I wanted to remove the old music sometime thursday or friday next
Is it now that we have the new music system supporting random
playlists to change the faction music to a general playlist that would
be played in mp-games? This way we would get rid of one place where
the bad old music is used. And we would not have to change the music
everytime the next player starts his turn.
Comments on this? Anyone willing to change the way music works in mp?
If you tell me how to do it, I could do the change.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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