I have attached a quick sample of what happens if one naively shifts the hp and
xp bar over by 10 pixels, a two line change in the code.  It does generally
look good, but it leads to graphical glitches where the ends of the bar outside
the hex get lopped off.  This might be fixed with a little more sophistication 
, but I suspect that it would be much more than 2 lines.  A long, long time 
ago, I had suggested horizontal hp and xp bars that the unit would kind of 
stand above, but people disliked them.

On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, john w. bjerk wrote:

> The simplest thing would seem to be to move the bar over to the left,  
> as i've done in the attached for Konrad and old Defador.  That would  
> get it out of the way for most units.  Is there some technical reason  
> it must be entirely within the unit's hex?
> -eleazar.

        "In theory, theory and practice are the same, 
                but in practice they're different."
John W. C. McNabb

Attachment: test.png
Description: PNG image

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