Bruno Wolff III schrieb:
> On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 16:49:54 -0400,
>   "Eric S. Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 12) Visibility for unit types in help is too limited.
>>     Bug: This is the first thing that got Fade really steamed.  She
>>     *hated* the you-can't-see-help-on-it-until-you've-encountered it rule,
>>     because it keeps her from (a) making intelligent decisions about which
>>     of her own units to concentrate on levelling up. and (b) making
>>     intelligent decisions about which of her opponents' units must be
>>     *kept* from leveling up.
> It bugged me too when I was starting.
>>     Fix: Fade wants every unit in the advancement tree of a unit
>>     encountered to be accessible in help. On IRC some objected that
>>     this would injure the present RPG-like feel where discovering the
>>     world is part of the fun.  Mordante suggested a good compromise --
>>     *next advances* of every encountered unit should always be
>>     visible.
> I also think seeing the whole tree makes sense. How are you supposed to
> make intelligent decisions about your play when you don't know what things
> upgrade to.
Some quite long time ago I made some suggestion of how to handle the 
unit stuff in the ingame help. I did agree that showing all units in the 
way they currently would be shown would result in a real mess. My 
suggestion for this was basically something like this (you can find it 
somewhere here on the ml, no idea what the exact topic/date was...):

1) In the ingame help lets seperate the stuff among the list "units" a 
little further into the seperate races. IIRC we already have some "race" 
tag anyway, why shall we not use it? (If needed we could create a 
"hidden" era just to classify the races)
2) Each of these races would have a nice description about the race in 
general and some tactical stuff to keep in mind (I think we already have 
this somewhere in the wiki, would just be something like copy&paste) 
plus a tree for all of the units like it is shown at 
Each of the "units-images/names" would be a link to the respective 
article. If we have a way to show stuff nicely sorted there is IMO no 
need to hide any infomation. This way it would directly be possible to 
see into what these units can evolve.

Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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